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Purchasing: Vendor Registration

Purchasing: Vendor Registration


Waukesha County’s Purchasing Division is responsible for the procurement of County goods and services, other than those procured through a Public Works public bid process.  The Purchasing Division utilizes an e-procurement sourcing solution to digitize our bid/RFP process to make them more efficient, compliant, and transparent.  If you are a vendor who would like to be placed on our email notification list and/or want to respond to a bid or RFP online, you can do so easily by registering electronically with the County through its e-procurement solution that is offered through its partner vendor, Bonfire Interactive.  Registration is FREE and easy.  Click the button below to our Bonfire vendor registration page to register your company.

Vendor Registration

When the County is in the market for specific goods or services, an email notification will be sent to all vendors that registered on our Bonfire portal and selected that specific good(s) or service(s) from our commodity lists as one(s) which the vendor can provide to the County.  In addition to receiving such email notifications, registered vendors will be able to access all posted bids/RFPs opportunities and can submit their bid/RFP responses electronically. 


Waukesha County’s Public Works bids are processed utilizing DemandStar, an information notification and document distribution system, through its membership with Wisconsin Association of Public Purchasers (WAPP) consortium of Wisconsin agencies.  Public Works bids are let by Waukesha County Facilities Operations, Engineering Services, and Parks & Land Use staff.  These bids solicit contractors for construction, road projects, and building equipment installation (e.g., HVAC, chillers).  Vendors interested in Public Works bids are to register at and search for WAPP to choose it as your free “agency”—for free automatic notifications of and access to solicitations for Waukesha County Public Works bids. 

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