Risk Management’s ongoing operations include 1) identifying and analyzing loss exposures; 2) measuring loss exposures; 3) selecting the technique or combination of techniques (control, reduction, retention, transfer) to be used to handle each exposure; 4) implementing the chosen technique(s); 5) monitoring the decisions made and implementing appropriate changes.
Risk Management
Welcome to the Risk Management Division. Please click on the links below for additional information about the Risk Management Division.
Accidents and incidents are investigated so that the County can respond in an appropriate and informed manner. Accident causes are identified so that similar accidents can be prevented.
The Division manages activities routinely involved in the administration of claims, from first receiving notice of incident or loss to final closure or settlement. All property, liability and worker’s compensation claims are processed by Risk Management.
The Division safeguards the County’s financial integrity through the protection of a combination of insurance and self-insurance programs. In addition, an insurance chargeback system is maintained to allocate the cost of risk back to operating departments.
Inspections, investigations, surveys, audits, loss analysis and consultations are conducted of County operations and facilities to identify potential hazards and means to reduce such hazards in order to eliminate or reduce the frequency of loss occurrences and to minimize the financial impact of loss.
Various policies and programs are maintained and training is provided to County employees in order to provide a safe, secure and healthy work environment for employees as well as for citizens and users of County facilities and services.
Citizens that desire to file a liability claim against the County for damages or injuries should call Risk Management at (262) 548-7852. Directions will be provided on how to file a claim against the County.
Citizens wishing to voice a complaint about a County service, but do not intend on filing a liability claim, should contact the specific department for which the complaint relates to.
County contracts are reviewed for appropriate risk transfer and insurance requirements. Vendor certificates of insurance are assessed to determine compliance with contract requirements. If the County is contracting with a vendor for their services and the vendor is in need of a certificate of insurance evidencing the County’s insurance coverage, the vendor should contact Risk Management at (262) 548-7852.

Cheyenne MacKenzie
Risk/Purchasing Manager
Physical Address
515 W. Moreland Blvd. Room 310
Waukesha WI 53188
Contact Information
Phone: 262-548-7852
Fax: 262-548-7668
Contact us Online
Business Hours
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
We are closed on official County holidays.
Waukesha County complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact us at (262) 548-7888 and efforts will be made to accommodate your needs as required.