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Chief Judge of 3rd Judicial Administrative District

The state's 72 counties are grouped into nine (9) judicial administrative districts. Waukesha County is in the Third District along with Dodge, Jefferson, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties. In each district there is a Chief Judge and a Deputy Chief Judge appointed by the Supreme Court. The Chief Judge, who may serve up to three consecutive two-year terms, supervises and directs the administration of the district. The current Chief Judge of the Third District is a Waukesha County Circuit Judge. The current Deputy Chief Judge is an Ozaukee County Circuit Judge. Each county has a Presiding Judge appointed by the Chief Judge of the district. 

A professional District Court Administrator and a District Administrative Assistant, both employees of the Director of State Courts and permanently located in the district to assist the Chief Judge.

Paul Bugenhagen Jr., Chief Judge
Branch 10, Waukesha County Circuit Court
Calendar Clerk: (262) 548-7454
Reporter: (262) 548-7509

Steve Cain, Deputy Chief Judge
Branch 2, Ozaukee County Circuit Court
Calendar Clerk: (262) 238-8415
Reporter: (262) 238-8359 

Ralph M. Ramirez, Presiding Judge - Waukesha
Branch 3, Waukesha County Circuit Court
Calendar Clerk: (262) 548-7543
Reporter: (262) 548-7519

Michael Neimon, District Court Administrator
Kim Cutberth, Administrative Assistant: (262) 548-7210
Michelle Yaklovich, District Court Reporter: (262) 548-7058

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