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Traffic Citation FAQs

If the citation states “must appear,” the Court requires you to appear for the Initial Appearance hearing. The date and time of this hearing is noted on your citation.

If your citation does not say that you must appear, you may do one of the following:

  • If you do not wish to contest the citation, you may pay the deposit amount noted on your citation. Payment should be received prior to the court date indicated on your citation.
  • If you want to contest the citation, you can enter a plea of not guilty by writing a letter to the Court. The Criminal/Traffic Division must receive your letter or form no later than five (5) days before your court date.

Read the paperwork carefully as it contains important information such as:

  • Court appearance date
  • Location/address of court appearance
  • Agency that issued the citation
  • Deposit amount
  • Keep the paperwork and bring it with you to court

If your violation involves an equipment violation, your vehicle registration or the suspension/revocation of your driving privileges you should bring the proof of repair, your valid driver’s license or your valid vehicle registration certificate with you to court. For information on titles, registration, and licenses visit the DOT website.

Payments can be made online, in the person during normal business hours, or by mail to the Circuit Court Business Center, 515 W Moreland Blvd., PO Box 1627, Waukesha, WI 53187-1627.

Make Checks Payable to: Clerk of Circuit Court

After normal business hours, with a copy of your citation you may go to the Waukesha County Justice Building, Sheriff's Department , Monday through Friday between 4:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.

If your citation states “must appear” you must appear in person. If your citation does not state that you must appear, you may use the Not Guilty Plea Form and enter your plea in person, by fax, or mail. Your letter must be received by the Criminal/Traffic Division no later than five (5) days before your court date. After your plea of not guilty is received by the Criminal/Traffic Division, an 'Adjourned Initial Appearance' will be scheduled. You will receive a scheduling notice advising you of your next court date. 

Review Obtaining an Occupational Driver's License for information on occupational licenses.

The dollar amount written on your ticket is a combination of a forfeiture, surcharges and fees. State Statutes determine the amount of the base deposit for traffic violations, excluding traffic violations charged under local ordinance. These fees are applicable to all traffic citations regardless of the law enforcement agency issuing the citation. For further explanation, refer to information on citation fees on the State Patrol website. 

An adjourned initial appearance will be scheduled. If you wish to have a jury trial, you must pay a (non-refundable) jury fee of thirty-six dollars ($36.00). A jury trial will not be scheduled without the payment of the jury fee.

The jury fee must be received by the Criminal/Traffic Division no later than ten (10) days after your Initial Appearance hearing. If you are entering your “not guilty” plea by letter or by utilizing the not guilty plea form, you should also include your request for a jury trial and your jury fee.

If you cannot pay your forfeiture in full immediately, you must go to the Business Center of the courthouse and bring your completed Financial Disclosure Statement and 25% of the total fine amount as a down payment, before or on the day of your Initial Appearance hearing to make arrangements for time to pay your balance due.

The Business Center staff will advise you of the normal payment schedule and guidelines established by the Waukesha County Circuit Judges. A payment agreement will be developed and a $15.00 non-refundable administrative fee will be assessed based upon your ability to pay. If you cannot pay the total amount due within the normal time frame permitted by the Business Center, you will be required to undergo a complete financial background check conducted by a professional collection specialist.

You are required to pay the deposit amount shown on your citation. If your citation states “must appear,” you must do so. Otherwise, prior to the Initial Appearance hearing, you may pay the deposit by mail or in person at the Business Center.

Always have your citation with you when making your payment.

Payments can be made online, in person during normal business hours, over the phone, or by mail to the Circuit Court Business Center, 515 W Moreland Blvd., PO Box 1627, Waukesha, WI 53187-1627.

Make Checks Payable to Clerk of Circuit Court

After normal business hours, with a copy of your citation you may go to the Waukesha County Justice Building, Sheriff's Department Monday through Friday between 4:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.

You may call (262) 548-7497 to make a payment over the phone. If you are mailing your payment, please include a copy of your citation. If your citation does not state “must appear” and you have paid the deposit amount, you do not have to appear at your initial appearance hearing unless you wish to do so

Demerit points are assessed to drivers when convicted of a moving violation, beginning on the date of the violation. For more information refer to the Wisconsin DOT website.

If you fail to pay or appear, the Court may order one or all of the following actions:

  1. issue a bench warrant for your arrest, or
  2. consider your non-appearance and non-payment a plea of no contest, make a finding that you are guilty as charged, and impose the appropriate penalties.

If the court makes a finding of guilty, the Clerk's office will mail a notice to your last known address within approximately ten (10) working days. If you do not receive this notification, it is your responsibility to call the Criminal/Traffic Division to be informed of the penalties imposed.

If you requested a Court/Jury Trial and no longer wish to contest the matter, you should contact the court to avoid additional fees being imposed (i.e., witness fees and court costs).

A hearing will be held by a Court Commissioner. The issuing police officer or deputy sheriff has noted the court date, time and location on your citation.  At this hearing, the Court requires you to enter a plea of not guilty, guilty or no contest to the violation. The Court requires you keep the Criminal/Traffic Division informed of your current address until the procedures in this matter have been completed and you have met all your obligations. 

You should contact the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicles at (608) 266-2261 or visit their website for information on titles, registration, licenses. 

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