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Research Links

Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection - Landlord Tenant Guide Provides a landlord tenant guide.
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection - Tenants' Rights and Responsibilities Provides a FAQ of rights and responsibilities as a tenant in Wisconsin
The Wisconsin Way: A guide for Landlords and Tenants Provides helpful information specific to rentals, the eviction process, removal of property, etc. and reference to the Wisconsin Statutes governing these areas.
Local Rules
Local Civil Court Rules Local civil court judicial administrative rules and established policies and procedures.
Occupational License
Occupational License Application This page provides procedural information and assistance on completing the forms necessary to request an occupational license if a driver's license has been suspended.
Restraining Orders
Legal Advocacy Program of The Women's Center Helps victims of abuse or harassment prepare statements and file temporary restraining orders and offers support to victims at court hearings.
Victim/Witness Assistance Program-District Attorney's Office  Assistance and information for crime victims and witnesses.
Small Claims
State of Wisconsin Small Claims Guide A guide to help individuals understand the procedures for filing a small claims action in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions Information to help determine if a business is incorporated and to obtain the correct business name.


General Criminal/Traffic Division Court Links
Attorney General’s Brochure-Criminal Records  Provides information from the Wisconsin Attorney General’s Crime Information Bureau on how to find a criminal record, who has access to it, and how to remove information if an individual is not convicted. Waukesha County reports all criminal convictions to this agency. 
Attorney General’s Brochure-Wisconsin Online Records Checks  Provides information on how and where individuals can do records checks. 
Criminal/Traffic Local Rules  Waukesha County criminal and traffic local rules and established policies and procedures.
Waukesha County District Attorney's Office  Informs the community about the Waukesha County District Attorney's Office and Victim/Witness Services.
Waukesha County Sheriff's Department  Provides information on the services offered by the Waukesha County Sheriff's Department that include general information about Jail services, public visitation guidelines, schedules, and mailing information for the Waukesha County Jail.
Wisconsin Correctional Institutions and Centers Directory of adult institutions and frequently asked questions about the facilities.
Intoxicated Driving Related Links
Treatment Court Provides specific information on the policies and procedures for participating in the Waukesha County Treatment Court.
Third Judicial District OAWI Sentencing Guidelines Explains the penalties related to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated as applied in Waukesha County for offences committed on or after March 1, 2020 to November 30, 2023.
Third Judicial District OAWI Sentencing Guidelines Explains the penalties related to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated as applied in Waukesha County for offences committed on or after December 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024.
Third Judicial District OAWI Sentencing Guidelines Explains the penalties related to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated as applied in Waukesha County for offences committed on or after May 1, 2024.
Third Judicial District OAR/OAS Guidelines Explains the penalties related to operating after revocation or suspension as applied in Waukesha County.
 Traffic Related Links
Occupational Licenses 

Explains the process and procedure for applying for an occupational license in the Waukesha County Civil Court.

Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicles  Provides information on motor vehicle titles, registration, and licenses.

General Family Links

Local Family Court Rules

Local family court judicial administrative rules and established policies and procedures.

Waukesha County Family Court Counseling Services 

Advocates for the best interest of children whose parents are involved in disputes related to custody and placement divorce and paternity actions.

Child Support 
Child Support Balances Allows parties to view child support, family support, and maintenance balances and payment histories and print payment coupons. First-time users will need to create and activate a new Logon account.
Child Support Conversion Table  Table used to calculate child support when one parent cares for the child for more than 75% of the time.
General Child Support Information Provides an abundance of publications and information on child support payments, assistance, fees, etc.
High Income Payer Child Support Calculator  Spreadsheet used to calculate estimated support payments if the payer's income is over $7,000/month ($84,000/year)
Low Income Payer Child Support Table  Table used to calculate child support if the payer's income is between 75% and 150% of the federal poverty level.
Serial Family Child Support Calculator  Spreadsheet to help estimate support payments if the paying parent is paying support to more than one family.
Shared Placement Child Support Calculator  Spreadsheet used to calculate support payments in shared-placement cases where each parent cares for the child at least 25% of the time.
Waukesha County Child Support Division Child Support enforcement services are available from this office.
Divorce Education Seminar
Helping Children Cope with Divorce Seminar Seminar schedule for the statutorily required co-parenting divorce class.

Adoption Related Links
Adoption Information Provides resources and information on the various types of adoption. 
Adoption Records Search Program Laws, forms, procedures, and other information available to adult adoptees, adoptees whose birth parent(s) terminated parental rights when they were minors, adoptive parents, and birth parents.
International Adoption Provides a Handbook, information on INS procedures, and a way to request information and ask questions. 
General Juvenile Court Links
Local Juvenile Court Rules Waukesha County Juvenile Court local rules and established policies and procedures.
Teens in the Law  A parents’ guide to understanding their child’s rights and responsibilities as they pertain to the Juvenile Court.
Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services A description of the involvement of the department with the Juvenile Court.
Wisconsin Department of Juvenile Corrections Explains the responsibilities of the department when handling juvenile offenders, including programs and services.
Guardianship Related Link
Minor Guardianship Information Admissions and rights of anyone under 18 years of age who is receiving services for mental health, substance abuse, or a developmental disability in the state of Wisconsin.
Referral Services
Addiction Resource Council Provides alcohol and other drug prevention education, intervention, assessment, and referral services to residents of Waukesha County.
Wisconsin Community Services

Provides information on collaborative programs between Waukesha County and WCS.

Genealogy Research Links
The National Archives Assistance for how to search the following government records: Census Records, Military Records, Immigration Records (Ship Passenger Lists), Naturalization Records, and Land Records.
Vital Records Provides information on obtaining copies of vital records (birth, death, and marriage records), searching records in person, and other available services.

Waukesha County Historical Society

Provides information on the search resources available in the Historical Society's Research Center.

Wisconsin Genealogy Services

Provides FAQ's about what information is available and accessible, where to go, and how to search the Vital Records when conducting a genealogy search.

Wisconsin State Historical Society

Provides help links, helpful information, and schedules for workshops to assist individuals in doing family history searches. You can also email them a question.
General Probate Links
Local Probate Court Rules  Waukesha County Probate Court rules and established policies and procedures.

Probate Related Legal Questions and Answers

Wisconsin FAQ’s for subjects such as probate, durable powers of attorney, revocable living trusts, will & estate planning, and marital property.

Wisconsin Registers in Probate Association

Information for Registers in Probate and others conducting business in Probate Court.
Guardianship Links
Adult Guardianship Provides information for anyone who has been appointed to be guardian for a person who is receiving services for mental illness, a developmental disability, or substance abuse in the state of Wisconsin.
Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc. (GWaar) Provides information and assistance on issues related to adult guardianship, protective placement, advance directives, and more from the Wisconsin Guardianship Support Center (GSC).

Guardianship of Adults: A Decision Making Guide

Information to help decide if adult guardianship is necessary, the application process, and available support services.
Estates and Trusts
Medicaid Estate Recovery Program Information on how the State of Wisconsin recovers expenses after a person has died, for certain government benefits paid to that person during his or her lifetime.
A Personal Representative's Guide to Informal Probate A guide to help individuals understand the informal probate process including the necessary documents.
Transfer Vehicle to Heir Information on eligibility to use this process, forms and instructions to complete the transfer, and a contact for questions.
Transfer Vehicle to Surviving Spouse Information on eligibility to use this process, forms and instructions to complete the transfer, and a contact for questions.
Wisconsin Fiduciary, Estate, and Trust Tax Forms Information on tax forms.
Powers of Attorney
Declaration to Physicians (Living Will) Information and forms to create a living will.
Power of Attorney for Finance and Property Information and forms to create a power of attorney for finance and property document and to appoint an agent.
Power of Attorney for Healthcare Information and forms to create a power of attorney for healthcare document and to appoint an agent.

Coalition for Wisconsin's Aging Groups Provides information on Advocacy, Legislation, Legal Rights, Benefits, Publications, and other information for the aging population.
Family Legal Clinic Information on the 20 minute free legal consultation available for family court matters.
Federal Bankruptcy Court The bankruptcy section of the Milwaukee Bar Association, with the assistance and support of the State Bar of Wisconsin, provides a Pro Se Bankruptcy Help Desk at the United States Bankruptcy Court in Milwaukee.
Legal Action (Waukesha County Satellite through Cooperating Congregations) A program that provides civil legal services to the indigent through staff and volunteer lawyers.
Legal Resources for Low Income/Indigent Litigants Directory of legal resources available in the metro Milwaukee area.
Legal Services/Servicios Legales A service that provides legal services at a reasonable cost to low income residents in Southeastern Wisconsin. No website available. Call 414-435-0636.  Habla espanol.
Legal Services For Immigrants A Catholic Charities program for immigrants who need assistance with their legal status for living in the United States.
Marquette Legal Clinic Link to information about a free legal clinic to get advice from volunteer attorneys and law students.
Waukesha Lawyer Referral and Information Service  Service available to individuals who need an attorney in Waukesha County that assesses the need for an attorney and makes appropriate referrals.
Wisconsin Coalition for Advocacy A program that provides protection and advocacy for people with disabilities throughout the state.
Wisconsin Lawyer Referral and Information Service An individual's legal needs are assessed by a legal assistant who's experienced in analyzing potential legal problems -- and in helping individuals locate the best source of help, including lawyers located in an individual's geographical area.

Customer Satisfaction
Fee Arbitration Program A program was developed to provide an informal and economical alternative to litigation for lawyers and clients who are unable to agree upon a fee charged for legal services.
Office of Lawyer Regulation Provides information on the lawyer regulation system and process, and procedures for how to file a complaint about an attorney.
Wisconsin Lawyer's Fund for Client Protection  This link provides assistance to people who have lost money through dishonest conduct of Wisconsin attorneys.
     Court Staff
Customer Satisfaction Survey Provides a way for the public to give feedback about specific court services or personnel.
Complaint Procedure Provides information on the process of filing a complaint against a state approved interpreter who has acted in a manner inconsistent with the Code of Ethics for Interpreters. 
Wisconsin Judicial Commission Provides information on the system, process and procedure for filing complaints against judges.
General Court Links
Instructions for How to Appear Remotely Provides instructions for attorneys and parties for how to appear at court proceedings remotely.
International Process Servers Association Search world-wide for a process server.
State of Wisconsin Self-Help Center Provides statewide information and resources for people representing themselves in court.
Waukesha County Language Action Plan Outlines how Waukesha County Circuit Court allocates and regulates its resources, services, and administrative operations to maintain compliance with federal and state language access requirements.
Waukesha County Local Court Rules  Local judicial administrative rules and established policies and procedures.
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access Public access to court case and calendar information.
Wisconsin Court System Provides information on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Office of Lawyer Regulation, and other court related resources.
Wisconsin State Bar Provides links to free Wisconsin case law, statutes, court rules and other public resources.
Wisconsin State Forms Access to all state mandatory and pro se forms in downloadable versions.
Wisconsin State Law Library A comprehensive collection of legal materials and a variety of reference and research services.
Wisconsin State Statutes Access to the latest version of any WI State Statute.

First Call for Help (2-1-1) Community agency that provides referral, telephone counseling, community outreach, and in-person counseling services.
State of Wisconsin Provides links and information on government programs, agencies, legislation, and state officials.
USA Gov Provides a rich treasure of online information, services and resources about the US Government.
Waukesha County Provides links to all Waukesha County departments and government Officials.
Wisconsin Blue Book Contains the biographies and photos of Wisconsin's elected public officials, the text of the Wisconsin Constitution, a detailed description of the organization and functions of state government, and a statistical section providing diverse information on the state.
Wisconsin State Legislature Provides a searchable database of bills and amendments, statutes and other legislative documents, provides help finding your state and federal representatives, and can help you track legislative activities on proposals, committees, authors, and subjects.

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