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Juror Qualification Questionnaire

If you receive a summons for jury service you are required by law to complete a Juror Qualification Questionnaire and return it to the court within ten (10) days from receipt.

How to Complete Your Online Juror Qualification Questionnaire:

Please remember to include any changes in your personal information when completing your questionnaire.  Any incorrect information may cause delays in receiving important jury notifications or your payment after you complete your jury service.

  1. Click Juror Qualification Questionnaire to begin completing and submitting your questionnaire online.
  2. Further instructions on how to complete and submit your questionnaire will appear within the online Juror Qualification Questionnaire service.

Important: You are required to complete the questionnaire only once.  If you have already completed the questionnaire, but were deferred to a later date, you are not required to complete the questionnaire again.  In addition, if you have already completed and mailed your paper Juror Qualification Questionnaire, you do not need to complete the online questionnaire. 

Juror Qualification Questionnaire FAQs

The questionnaire must still be returned with "DECEASED" written next to the person's name.  Once we receive this information, we will update our records.

Wisconsin law requires that the questionnaire still must be completed.  Please answer the first eight questions, updating your address and checking the box you are not a resident.  Once your questionnaire is received, you will be removed form our lists.

If you have been convicted of a felony, but you have completed your sentence and had all your civil rights restored, you are eligible to serve as a juror.  If your sentence is not complete and you have not had your civil rights restored, you are not eligible to serve as a juror.

Yes - A parent can fill out the questionnaire for their college student.  The parent or student will then need to request to postpone to when the student is home from school.

You must submit a medical excusal indicating what condition you suffer from and what the prognosis is for recovery.  This information will be reviewed by a Judge and you will either be excused or deferred to a more convenient time.  If you are unable to obtain a medical excuse within 10 days of receiving your questionnaire, please return the questionnaire with a note that a medical excuse will follow.  Please send the medical excuse as soon as possible after you receive it.

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