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(Juveniles in Need of Protection and Services)

There are a variety of court proceedings involving juveniles under the age of 18 that fall under the JIPS category.

  1. The juvenile is uncontrollable at home and a parent requests that the court take jurisdiction.
  2. The juvenile is habitually truant from school or home. See brochure on Truancy and the Juvenile Court Process.
  3. The juvenile is a school drop-out.
  4. The child is under the age of 10 and has committed a delinquent (criminal) act.
  5. The juvenile has been determined NOT to be responsible for a delinquent act by reason of mental disease or defect, or who has been determined NOT competent to proceed.

Attorneys from the Waukesha County Corporation Counsel's office prosecute the JIPS matters with the filing of a formal Petition for Juvenile in Need of Protection and Services.

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