GUARDIANSHIP: A guardianship is the court procedure by which a person is declared incompetent. There are two types of adult guardianships. They are as follows:
- Guardianship of the Person. This type of guardianship is where the guardian is appointed by the court to manage and handle the day to day decision making for an individual who is no longer legally able to make these decisions for themselves.
- Guardianship of the Estate. This type of guardianship is where the guardian is appointed by the court to manage and handle the financial affairs for an individual who is no longer legally able to manage their finances.
A guardian of the person shall, by statute, report to the court on an annual basis regarding the condition of the person that they have been appointed guardian. The Register in Probate will send a form called the Annual Report of the Condition of the Ward to each guardian of the person. This is a one page document that is required to be completed by the guardian of the person and returned to the Register in Probate by April 15th of each year that the guardian of the person is in effect.
A guardian of the estate shall, by statute, file with the Register in Probate an Inventory of the assets of the person they have been appointed guardian of the estate for within 60 days of their appointment. In addition, the guardian of the estate shall file an annual accounting of the financial affairs of the person who they are appointed as guardian of the estate. This accounting will be sent to the guardian of the estate by the Register in Probate and is required to be returned to the Register in Probate along with supporting documentation by April 15th of each year they are guardian of the estate.
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