How do I start a Three-Party Petition?
The first step is to identify three people (petitioners) who can best support your case. Usually, petitioners are adults who have seen the person's dangerous behavior and are able to explain why they think the person in need should be committed.
Each petitioner should feel comfortable testifying against the person in need in court. A petitioner can expect to provide testimony at different hearings on short notice.
The next step is to fill out a screening form. This office has three screening forms.
Alcohol Screening Form
Drug Screening Form
Mental Health Screening Form
It is important to fill out the right screening form. For example, do not use the mental health form if the person needs alcohol treatment. Each petitioner must fill out a separate screening form. This office will not move forward until three screening forms are received. Also, please let us know who you want the contact person to be.
When filling out the screening form, remember to:
- Complete the form with as much detail as you can.
- Include the dangerous events from the last 60 days.
- Mention things you saw or heard yourself.
- If you mention texts or emails, you must have received them from the person. Include copies of those texts or emails with your completed screening form. If the text or email does not show when it was sent or received, provide that information.
- If you mention social media posts, the same rules apply, but you do not have to receive those posts yourself.
Keep in mind that submitting a screening form does not mean a Three-Party Petition will be filed. Once this office receives all three screening forms, a member of our team will be assigned. Our office will contact you if additional information is needed. This may take several days. If you have an emergency situation, contact 911 for assistance.