Creating an account with the Child Support Online Services (CSOS).
- The website offers many services to payees and payors, including:
- Participants may view and update their current verified Home and Mailing addresses, email address(s) and phone
number(s) directly into the Kids Information Data System (KIDS). - Participants may view all payments made or received in the last 30, 60, or 90 days, the current year to date, and the last five calendar years.
- Participants may view balances by court case, balances owed specifically to the payee, and balances on other participant-related debts.
- Participants may print payment coupons, Receipt and Disbursement (R&D) Fee coupons and balance and payment information.
- Participants may view some KIDS case events that have occurred on their case(s) in the last 180 days. Participants may also view some appointments and hearings scheduled on their behalf (up to a year in the future), and items they must bring to the appointment/hearing if the WI Child Support Agency (CSA) has entered the information in the KIDS appointment.
- Participants may view and update their current verified Home and Mailing addresses, email address(s) and phone