As an employee of Waukesha County Communications, I possess core family values, including care, honesty, integrity, and guidance. When people work together as closely as we do, we depend on each other, we trust each other, we understand each other, we support each other, and we unconditionally accept and respect each other – all of which are pieces of the puzzle that make up a family. In doing so I recognize that: I am different, yet I can accomplish the job. I have personal opinions, yet I share with you the same understanding of the difficulties of the job. I am independent, yet I look to you for support and encouragement. I am a member of a team that works well together. When I am with you we are family.
About Us
Our Values
We, the employees of Waukesha County Communications, are dedicated to upholding our core values. With the understanding that these same core values are the solid foundation, we can build upon to create a culture at Waukesha County Communications that everyone can be proud of.
Integrity is being proud on both personal and professional levels. Integrity assures that I am holding myself accountable and performing at the highest possible standard and with the highest level of honor. I show integrity by demonstrating my commitment to strong morals and ethics. I am always honest; I am committed to doing the right thing when things become difficult, even when nobody is watching. I stand behind my decisions and expect to be held accountable for my actions. Showing integrity is sharing responsibility, pulling my weight by avoiding laziness, and not being a burden on my co-workers. Integrity is showing pride in the profession and constantly striving to improve skills despite tenure. I demonstrate my integrity by remaining teachable, not shying away from educating others, being open to change and improvement, being humble, taking the lead and setting a positive example, being knowledgeable in knowing where to find information, and always taking advantage of new learning opportunities to strengthen my skills and abilities.
Respect is being considerate and showing appreciation for the public, the agencies I dispatch for, and my co-workers, as these are the people I represent. While working for Waukesha County Communications I strive to treat all co-workers fairly while valuing everyone’s strengths and embracing their weaknesses. Respect must be earned and maintained by being professional under all circumstances, having a good work ethic, and treating others as I would expect to be treated. Respect is being sensitive to the needs of others, speaking in an appropriate tone of voice and using professional language, utilizing appropriate body language, and maintaining a non-condescending attitude. By practicing personal accountability, keeping an open mind, taking the time to get to know my co-workers, and maintaining faith in the abilities of my co-workers, WCC will be a respectful organization.
To take responsibility = To “OWN IT!”
As an employee at Waukesha County Communications, I determine my success through the practice of my responsibilities. I am accountable for achieving my success by constantly studying materials and staying current with the most up-to-date information, being open to perpetual learning, being professional, and being knowledgeable about correctly performing our job duties. As a member of the organization, it is my duty to hold myself liable for my job performance; ignorance is not an excuse. I must admit when I am wrong. I must take ownership of my actions. I will be respectful to others, use appropriate and non-offensive body language, be open to feedback and constructive criticism, practice active listening, and anticipate the needs of others. As a team member of the organization, it is my duty to follow up on my tasks as well as to start what I finish. Be reliable and dependable in every action. I must be non-discriminatory in all of my actions. No matter the level of experience or length of service, I must go above and beyond to make every member of the organization feel welcomed.
Waukesha County Communications provides emergency and non-emergency services. I, as an employee of WCC am highly trained to perform with accuracy and professionalism in assisting the public. I continually strive to always give100%. I demonstrate empathy and compassion, I anticipate the needs of the public, I am professional and genuinely care about the job I perform. I try to maintain a positive attitude and count on my co-workers to be there for me when I need positive reinforcement. If I do not have the answers, know where to find those answers by relying on the strengths of my co-workers. As a member of the team, I focus on the end result which is providing the absolute best service possible.
Success is built on trust. Trust is a combination of honesty, accountability, dependability, and reliability. It is knowing myself as well as knowing others and having faith and confidence that the duties will be performed accurately and in a timely fashion. Trust must be earned; it is not freely given. Once that trust is earned, the doors are opened between co-workers for better communication, better relationships, and better job performance, all with one common goal – to get the job done well. Having trust among co-workers creates honesty, more consistency, and a sense of comfort which, in turn, allows for better work performance and work environment.

Operations and Facility
The Waukesha County Communications Center (WCC) is the largest Public Service Answering Point (PSAP) in Waukesha County, processing cellular and landline calls for many Police and Fire departments. WCC dispatches first responders and handles radio communications for 20 police and 17 fire departments. WCC is also the primary dispatch center for Division 106 (Waukesha County) of the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS), which handles the coordinated dispatch of predetermined mutual aid units and resources from multiple fire departments on incidents where more apparatus or manpower is needed such as a structure fire or mass casualty incident.
WCC's original 12,000 square-foot building at 1621 Woodburn Road in the City of Waukesha was completed in January 2004 and began operations on July 17th, 2004!
Emergency Operations Center
In April 2018, a 7,500-square-foot, $3 million addition was completed, designed to withstand an F2 tornado. This addition added room for administrative offices, a garage for emergency management vehicles and equipment, and the Emergency Operations Center, a state-of-the-art space for large-scale event planning and command operations.
Telecommunicator of the Year Award
Each year, the Wisconsin Public Safety Communications (WIPSCOM) organization—a collaboration between the Wisconsin chapters of the Association of Public-Safety Officials International (APCO) and the National Emergency Number Association (NENA)—accepts nominations for the Telecommunicator of the Year award. The following examples highlight some of the criteria used to select the recipient:
- Positive attitude towards all aspects of the job.
- Willingness to participate as a team player.
- Demonstrates professionalism and pride that merit enhanced respect and esteem of work environment and employees.
- Display actions that reflect the highest traditions of public safety service.
- Demonstrates above and beyond performance.
Waukesha County Communications has received this award three times!

Non-Emergency Phone Number