Our Teams
Community Education Team (CET)
A committed group of telecommunicators and supervisors ready to engage with those we serve through education, encouragement of learning, and safety tips. CET members are willing to attend functions such as but not limited to: National Night Out, any Police or Fire open-house, Training Sessions, Neighborhood Watch Meetings, Community Functions, School Programs, Career Days, Fairs/Festivals, Senior Citizen Groups, Safety Days, Church Events, Girl Scout or Boy Scout Events, etc. We offer tours of our Dispatch Center 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
Emergency Management Assistance Team (EMAT)
A group of telecommunicators and supervisors who provide support and participate in training exercises with Waukesha County Emergency Management. Team members have additional Incident Command System (ICS) certifications and commit their availability to render assistance in the event of disaster.
Incident Dispatch Team (IDT)
The IDT is composed of WCC supervisors and tactical telecommunicators. All team members are specially trained Incident Command System (ICS) personnel available for deployment to any large-scale or otherwise significant incident to assist the incident commander and other command post personnel. These individuals provide on-scene communications, resource management, logistical support, documentation, and various related tasks dictated by the incident commander. Additionally, by supporting the incident communications and assisting with resource management at the scene, IDT members can shift the workload of the incident away from the Communications Center.
Leadership Team
Consists of six shift supervisors, one operations and training manager, and one emergency preparedness director. These leaders support three shifts for 24/7 operations, all specialty teams, WCC’s facility, special projects and long-range planning, and the overall mission, vision, and values of the organization.
Southern Wisconsin Peer Support Team (SWIPST)
SWIPST is a certified peer support team comprising telecommunicators and supervisors at WCC and a clinical liaison who supports a confidential assistance program for all employees. The team's overall goals are to educate, empower, mitigate crisis, facilitate resource connection, and practice confidentiality. Members of SWIPST possess superior communication and interpersonal skills, and attend the following trainings: Survive and Thrive Comprehensive Stress Resilience, The Power of Peer Support – Introductory Course, and 911 Certified Peer Support.
Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce (TERT)
A group of experienced telecommunicators with specialized Incident Command System (ICS) training can be called on if another Emergency Communications Center is dealing with a disaster and needs additional support. This may be anywhere in the country. This Team provides relief the the 911 community by supporting the heavy workload caused by an incident large in scale.
Training Team
Certified Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) Communications Training Officers (CTOs) who train all WCC telecommunicators. CTOs provide both classroom instruction and train telecommunicators on Call-taking, Teletype, and Police and Fire dispatch positions.

Non-Emergency Phone Number