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Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Waukesha County

What is the ADRC?

The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Waukesha County (ADRC) is a single access point for publicly funded long-term care in Waukesha County. The ADRC provides information, assistance, counseling and supportive services for adults aged 60+; caregivers; adults with physical or developmental disabilities; and adults with mental health or substance use concerns. 

The mission of the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Waukesha County is to provide older adult and people with physical or developmental/intellectual disabilities the resources needed to live with dignity and security and to achieve maximum independence and quality of life. The goal of the Aging and Disability Resource Center is to empower individual to make informed choices and to streamline access to the right and appropriate services and supports.

What to expect when you call ADRC:

When you call the ADRC, you can expect to be greeted by an ADRC staff member to get the basics of your call. If it is a simple call, our front desk staff can take care of your call. If it is a more in-depth call, you will be given a call back by one of our ADRC Specialists.

Information & Assistance

Information and Assistance is the core service of the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Waukesha County (ADRC). Information and help is available for a variety of questions and concerns of importance to adults with disabilities, elders, and their families. Information and assistance may range from sharing information and responding to requests, to in-depth conversations that take place over time.

Services are coordinated with various community organizations and referral is made to community and/or ADRC programs based on assessed needs. Information and assistance includes follow-up to find out how well-proposed solutions worked, and if there is a need for any additional information or service.

The ADRC is designed to be a single entry point for accessing services in the long term care and aging network. The ADRC Team can:

  • Assess needs,
  • Consult with family,
  • Provide information about programs and services,
  • Connect you with services,
  • Act as an advocate, and
  • Coordinate emergency intervention.

The ADRC team can help you answer questions due to:

  • Injury to yourself, friend or member of your family,
  • Consequence of a condition which you, a friend or family member may be experiencing,
  • Questionable events regarding the health/illness of a person,
  • Crisis which occurs, and
  • Preparation for the future.

The ADRC can provide information to anyone with a question or concern regarding adults with disabilities, elders, and their families, including:

  • Adults with disabilities
  • Older adults
  • Advocates
  • Caregivers
  • Family members
  • Health care providers
  • Information and referral providers
  • Social service providers
  • Public inquiries

The ADRC maintains informational material concerning issues and resources related to aging, physical and developmental disabilities, and mental health and substance abuse. The ADRC Resource Guide, a directory of useful information and resources, is available through the ADRC.

Introduction to ADRC in ASL

ADRC of Waukesha County Overview

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