- Business Hours: Contact the ADRC, 262-548-7848
- After Hours: Contact Impact 2-1-1, by simply dialing 2-1-1
Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services (APS) is a unit within a County Human Services Department guided under WI State Statutes (46.90, Ch 54, and Ch 55) to investigate and intervene in reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults who are physically or mentally impaired and unable to protect themselves from harm. The goal is to link persons at risk of, or currently experiencing, abuse and neglect with protective services to promote their quality of life. Determination of services are assessed by an individual’s needs and preferences. By doing this APS promotes safety, independence, and quality-of-life for older persons and persons with disabilities who are being mistreated or in danger of being mistreated, and who are unable to protect themselves. Every action taken by Adult Protective Services must balance the duty to protect the safety of the vulnerable adult with the adult’s right to self-determination.
- Business Hours Reporting (Monday through Friday, 8am – 4:30pm)
- Reports can be made to the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) by calling the main number at:
- 262-548-7848
- Toll Free: 1-866-677-2372 (ADRC)
- 262-548-7848
- Reports can be made to the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) by calling the main number at:
- After-Hours Reporting
- Reports can be made to Impact 2-1-1
Services Provided
- Investigation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of adults (18- 59) with a disability and older adults (60 +). The goal of investigations is to support a self-autonomy through linking to protective services or to provide protection and services for persons who are not competent and are in need of protection.
- Proactive outreach for vulnerable populations to receive faster services, prevent crises, and connect to needed community resources and referrals.
- Court Services:
- APS will act as petitioner for civil court services including guardianships and protective placements as an outcome of an investigation in order to protect and access services on the behalf of adults/elder adults at risk that are not competent or capable of providing for their own care.
- APS staff provide Comprehensive Evaluations to Probate Court on all Protective Placement matters heard in Waukesha County.
- APS staff provide an annual review (WATTS Review) of persons under guardianships who are protectively placed to ensure that placement and services are provided in the least restrictive level of care.
- APS staff may act as petitioner for Waukesha County residents who are Medicaid eligible and/or have no involved family that require guardianship and protective placement for their essential care and custody.
Types of Abuse and Neglect
1. Physical Abuse: Non-accidental use of force resulting in physical injury or mental harm.
2. Sexual Abuse: Non-consensual sexual contact or exploitation.
3. Emotional Abuse: Willful infliction of mental or emotional anguish.
4. Neglect by Caregiver: Failure of a caregiver to fulfill their responsibilities, such as providing food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or personal care.
5. Self-Neglect: An individual's inability to provide their own care due to physical or mental impairments.
6. Financial Exploitation: Misuse of an adult's funds, property, or resources, including fraud, embezzlement, forgery, coerced property transfers, or denial of asset access.
Information Needed for Referral
Information about Adult/Elder at Risk:
- Name, date of birth, address, [hone number of individual at risk
- Living situation
- Does the adult or elder at risk have an alternate decision maker? (i.e. guardian or power of attorney)
- Suspected disability (mental health, dementia, substance abuse, frail elder, physical disability, traumatic brain injury, developmental disability)
- Concerns regarding a person’s cognitive capacity
- Specific details about the identified concern(s) – refer to sections below for information gathered depending on type of concern reported
- Reports can be made anonymously; the reporter's identity will be kept confidential (statutory requirement
For financial abuse concerns:
- Names of banking institution(s)
- Monthly income of the adult or elder at-risk
- Assets (approximate) of the adult or elder at-risk
- Unpaid bills and/or financial consequences to the victim
- Nature of the concern and how you know this information
For concerns regarding neglect (self-neglect or caregiver neglect):
- General picture of how the person presents (i.e. frail, ill, confused, problem with hygiene, mobility impaired)
- Known medical/physical conditions of the adult or elder at-risk
- Ability or concerns with basic activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, mobility) or other tasks (i.e. bill paying, meal prep, driving).
- Involved medical or other in-home service providers or supports.
- Concerns for safety (i.e. falls, confusion, isolation, medical, condition of the home).
- Nature of the concern and how you know this information
For concerns of neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse
- Specific examples of the reported incidences
- Past attempts at follow up as a result of abuse (i.e. medical attention or police intervention)
- Safety concerns for the victim (i.e. needs medical attention, isolation, continued access to abuser)
- Nature of the concern and how you know this information
What happens after a referral is made?
- APS will determine the type of response appropriate for all APS referrals. The name of the reporter remains confidential (statutory).
- Investigations are confidential.
- APS staff may contact collateral sources to gather additional information.
- APS staff will make contact with the individual.
- APS staff work with the individual to determine the need for services and/or interventions. APS strives to intervene in the least restrictive manner possible to address the safety concerns.
- Competent adults have the right to refuse services.
- To report abuse or neglect occurring within a State-licensed nursing home, call the Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) Bureau of Nursing Home Resident Care (BNHC) Southeastern Regional office at (414) 227-5000.
- To report abuse or neglect occurring within a State-licensed program such as an assisted living facility, community based residential facility (CBRF), adult family home (AFH), adult day care program, or residential care apartment complex (RCAC), call the State Bureau of Assisted Living Southern Regional office at 608-264-9888.
To Report Adult or Elder Abuse or Neglect occurring outside of Waukesha County:
- Call the Elder Care Locator at 1-800-677-1116, or
- Refer to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services' internet listing of county elder abuse agencies
Resources and Information
Power of Attorney and Advance Directives
Power of Attorney Form for Healthcare Power of Attorney Form for Finances
Financial Abuse - Scams - Identity Theft - Fraud
About Scams - Federal Trade Commission Scams and Frauds - US.gov AARP Scams and Fraud Report Fraud - Federal trade Commission Identity Theft: What to know, What to do Identity Theft - Recovery Plan