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Foster Care Resources

There are many resources available to foster parents throughout Wisconsin. Some of those resources are listed below.


Chosen is a Wisconsin non-profit fostering and adoption support ministry, exists to Foster Forever Families, by living the Gospel, so that all children can experience a safe and loving home.

The Family Closet is Chosen's primary resource to support foster and adoptive families with tangible goods needed for their children.

No Matter What Families

No Matter What: Stories of Hope and Resilience features real foster and adoptive parents who have overcome obstacles and challenges and provides hope and inspiration for others on a similar journey.

Coalition For Children, Youth, and Families

The Coalition for Children, Youth & Families is the single source for neutral, objective, and current information about every aspect of foster care and adoption in Wisconsin; a trusted and continuing presence through every stage of a family’s foster or adoption experience.

The Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center (FCARC)

FCARC offers a variety of resources:

  • Brochures

  • Library and learning materials

  • Posters

  • Calendar of statewide events and trainings

  • Support services to the foster care program in Wisconsin

  • Staff at the FCARC can also be reached by telephone at 1-800-762-8063.

Wisconsin Foster and Adoptive Parent Association (WFAPA)

WFAPA is a peer and volunteer-based organization that supports and advocates for foster and adoptive parents by:

  • offering training

  • providing support programs

  • helps to create and support different legislative measures

National Foster Parent Association

The National Foster Parent Association is a non-profit, volunteer organization. Established, in 1972, as a result of the concerns of several independent groups who felt the country needed a national organization to meet the needs of foster families in the United States. The National Foster Parent Association aims to support foster parents in achieving safety, permanence, and well-being for the children and youth in their care.

International Foster Care Organization (IFCO)

IFCO is a global, non-profit networking organization serving to promote and support family-based foster care across the world. IFCO the only international network of foster parents.

Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System (WCWPDS)

WCWPDS allows foster parents to browse and register for trainings, conferences, and online training modules. It also stores transcript information about the trainings foster parents have completed.

UW-Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership (MCWP)

MCWP is a professional development program that is part of the Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System (WCWPDS). MCWP provides a full array of training and professional development services to foster, adoptive, and relative families throughout Wisconsin.

State of Wisconsin Foster Parent Handbook

The Handbook is intended to give basic information about foster care in Wisconsin to newly-licensed foster parents and to serve as a refresher for experienced foster parents. In it, foster parents will find the following:

  • An overview of the foster care program.

  • Information about what is expected of foster parents.

  • A discussion about the care of children in foster care.

  • An explanation of the critical need to work cooperatively with birth families.

  • An emphasis on the importance of foster family self-care.

  • Additional tools and resource lists for foster parents.

Wisconsin Department of Children and Families

Protecting Children, Strengthening Families, Building Communities

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is the definitive source for information on foster care in Wisconsin.

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