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Public Health Preparedness

Waukesha County Public Health is dedicated to safeguarding our communities and protecting at-risk populations before, during, and after a broad range of emergencies. Our Emergency Preparedness program is equipped with comprehensive response plans for scenarios impacting human health. These include:

    • Severe weather events
    • Power or utility outages
    • Natural and man-made disasters
    • Infectious disease outbreaks

We work with community partners, organizations, and other agencies throughout the region to ensure a coordinated response to public health emergencies. We also encourage individuals and families to take an active role by creating their own emergency plans and readiness kits.


Make A Plan |

Build A Kit |

Be Informed | Alert Sense in Waukesha County

Individuals, families and organizations should be aware of the potential hazards and public health dangers in our community and be prepared by creating personal and business emergency plans.

By making sure that you and your household or business are as ready as possible, you not only increase your own safety, but that of your whole community as well.

To learn more about emergency planning and preparedness, visit Are you Ready? 


Our Preparedness Measures:

  • Emergency Plans: We have strategies in place for handling infectious disease outbreaks, severe weather events, and establishing mass shelters, clinics, and family assistance centers.
  • Collaboration with Agencies: We work closely with Waukesha County Emergency Management, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Southeastern Wisconsin Healthcare Emergency Readiness Coalition, and local fire and police departments to plan, train, drill, and respond effectively to emergencies.
  • Community Partnerships: We partner with organizations like the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and Southeast Wisconsin Citizens and Organizations Active in Disaster (SEWI COAD) to strengthen our community response capabilities.

During an emergency, go to trusted information sources: television, radio, Waukesha County social media pages on Facebook and Instagram, the Waukesha County Public Health website, and IMPACT 2-1-1.

Hotlines may also be set up to provide additional information on disease symptoms, risks, and where to seek medical attention.


Waukesha County Health & Human Services: Overview | LinkedIn


Waukesha County Health & Human Services - YouTube




Waukesha County faces a wide variety of natural and man-made health hazards. Some hazards, such as severe winter and summer storms, are more common than others.

The top hazards that have the greatest probability and health impact to county services and communities include:

  • Infectious Disease Outbreaks
  • Extreme Weather and Temperature events
  • Severe Storms (winter and summer)

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