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Juror Appreciation Month

September is "Juror Appreciation Month"
September has been designated by the Wisconsin Court System as a time to recognize the importance of jurors to the American justice system. Judges, clerks and attorneys who work in the system year-round have created this opportunity to acknowledge the participation of individuals who are summoned to serve in Wisconsin each year. These are people who have set aside their work and personal lives to ensure this cornerstone of American justice perseveres. Whether a juror serves in September or on another date, this is the legal system's chance to call attention to every prospective and sworn jurors' contribution and to say, "thank you!"

To show our appreciation, a banner will be displayed in the lobby of the courthouse and court staff will wear "We Appreciate Jurors" pins throughout the month. Jurors who appear for service will be offered an assortment of treats. Jurors will also be given a token of appreciation.


Jury Box

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