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Waukesha County's Community Development administers HOME Consortium programs through funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with its main purpose to create and retain affordable housing. The HOME Consortium is a four-county consortium (Jefferson, Washington, Ozaukee and Waukesha) with Waukesha County serving as the lead entity for grant purposes.  

Programs offered through the HOME Consortium are for the benefit of low-moderate income households that earn 80% or less of the area median income in the participating counties. Programs include a down payment assistance program and low-interest housing rehabilitation loans.  Funding is also available for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) and non-CHDO development of affordable housing. This funding is open to nonprofit and for-profit developers based on availability. 

Contact Us

Community Development
515 W Moreland Blvd , AC320
Waukesha, WI 53188

Business Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 
Monday thru Friday (excluding holidays)

Kristin Silva - Community Development Manager, Lead Agent, CHDO and non-CHDO Development of Affordable Housing, ARP - Phone (262) 896-3370 - Fax (262) 896-8510 or E-mail 

Debbie Narus - Homebuyer Programs, Program Administration, Down Payment Assistance (DPA), Purchase/Rehab, Rehab Program, CDBG Rehab Program and CHI/CCAP Loan Servicing
 - Phone (262) 896-8170 or E-mail

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