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HOME American Rescue Plan (ARP)

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funds were allocated by formula to jurisdictions that qualified for funding through the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME Program) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The bill provides additional relief to address the continued impact of COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, and businesses. This special round of funding is called the "HOME-ARP" Program. For more information, please see details on HUD HOME-ARP Notice CPD-21-10.

HUD awarded the HOME Consortium $5,293,334 in HOME-ARP Funds. Funds are available to organizations and projects that provide services in Jefferson, Ozaukee, Washington and Waukesha Counties. The HOME Consortium developed a HOME-ARP Allocation Plan that has been approved by HUD.

The HOME Consortium covers a large geography with varying levels of need and resources related to homelessness. In selecting projects and services for HOME-ARP funding, the Consortium will consider a variety of activity types in areas throughout the four-county region.

The HOME Consortium has chosen the following eligible activities for use of the HOME-ARP funds: 

(1) development and support of affordable rental housing (currently available for funding);

(2) provision of supportive services (such as housing counseling, homelessness prevention, child care, job training, legal services, case management, moving costs, rental applications, and rent assistance); and

(3) acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter units.

In addition, funds for nonprofit capacity building and nonprofit operating funds are also available through the Supportive Services application, if the nonprofit has also been awarded funding for one of the above listed eligible activities.

While all qualifying populations will be eligible for HOME-ARP funded projects, the HOME Consortium anticipates using preference that will vary depending on the activity.  

(1) Non-Congregate Shelter Activities will preference homeless persons qualifying population (QP1). 

(2) Supportive Services Activities that provide housing stabilization and homelessness prevention services will preference at risk of homelessness (QP2 and QP4). 

(3) Supportive Services Activities that provide services to survivors of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault and/or Human Trafficking will preference QP3.

(4) Rental Housing Activities will not establish preferences.  

The HOME Consortium may also select to fund housing development, non-congregate shelter, or service projects that do not have a preference among HOME-ARP qualifying populations.

In applying these preferences, the Consortium will act in compliance with all applicable fair housing, civil rights, and nondiscrimination requirements, including but not limited to those requirements listed in 24 CFR 5.105(a). Eligibility and selection of applicants will be determined without regard to an applicant's race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.

The HOME Consortium has allocated $2,911,334 to leverage state and federal affordable rental housing development resources to prioritize the chronically homeless and persons at risk of homelessness. This is a one-time funding opportunity. $100,000 maximum available per HOME-ARP funded unit. 11-unit max per project. Clients will be referred and accepted from HMIS and/or Coordinated Entry (CE) systems in local CoCs.

Development of Rental Housing Application  

The HOME Consortium has allocated $794,000 in HOME-ARP funds to the Supportive Services category. These funds will be distributed over 6 years, for a total of $132,333 each year from 2024 through 2029. Applicants who are funded will be awarded a six-year contract with the same award amount each year. 

All available funds have been awarded. 

Congratulations to the following Grant Award Subrecipients: 

Family Promise of Waukesha County 
Family Promise of Washington County 
Hebron Housing Services 
Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson, WI 
The Salvation Army 
Waukesha Housing Action Coalition 
The Women's Center 

The HOME Consortium has allocated $794,000 for projects that seek to develop non-congregate shelter for those most in need by using these funds to leverage additional state and federal resources for the capital needed.  This is a one-time funding opportunity. $80,000 maximum available per HOME-ARP funded unit. 11-unit max per project. Clients will be referred and accepted from HMIS and/or Coordinated Entry (CE) systems in local CoCs. 

All available funds have been awarded. 

Congratulations to the following Grant Award Subrecipients: 

Family Promise of Waukesha County  

Please contact Kristin Silva, Community Development Manager, at 262-896-3370 or by E-mail for any questions about the HOME-ARP applications.

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