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Environmental Health Fee Schedule

Payment can be made by cash, check, or charge *Contact our office for more information

Licensing Program

Retail Food Establishment - Serving Meals Fee List
Type License Fee Pre-License Fee
Prepackaged $185 $95
Simple $494 $247
Moderate $587 $294
Complex $700 $350

Retail Food Establishment - Not Serving Meals Fee List
Type License Fee Pre-Inspection Fee
Prepackaged $185 $95
Simple - Non-TCS $206 $103
Simple - TCS $319 $160
Moderate $397 $198
Complex - Low (>4.5-6.5) $742 $371
Complex - High (>6.5) $1262 $631
Micro Market $45 N/A
Micro Market +2 same building $68 N/A
On Farm Sales $35 N/A

Transient Fee List
Type License Fee
Transient Retail TCS (Final product does require temperature control) $155
Transient Retail Non-TCS (Final product does not require temperature control) $100
Transient Retail Prepackaged TCS (Final product does require temperature control) $100

Mobile Establishment - Serving Meals Fee List
Type License Fee Pre-License Fee
Prepackaged $185 $95
Simple $494 $247
Moderate $587 $294
Complex $700 $350

Mobile Service Base - Serving Meals Fee List
Type License Fee Pre-License Fee
No Food Prep/Processing $139 $40
Simple $494 $247
Moderate $587 $294
Complex $700 $350


Mobile Establishment - Not Serving Meals Fee List
Type License Fee Pre-License Fee
Prepackaged $185 $95
Simple - Non-TCS $206 $103
Simple - TCS $319 $160
Moderate $397 $198
Complex - Low (>4.5-6.5) $742 $371
Complex - High (>6.5) $1262 $631

Mobile Service Base - Not Serving Meals Fee List
Type License Fee Pre-License Fee
No Food Prep/Processing $139 $40
Simple - Non-TCS $206 $103
Simple - TCS $319 $160
Moderate  $397 $198
Complex - Low (>4.5-6.5) $742 $371
Complex - High (>6.5) $1262 $631

Lodging and Recreational Establishment Fee List
Facility Type License Fee

Inspection Fee

Hotel/Motel              5-30 Rooms $299 $149
Hotel/Motel              31-99 Rooms $371 $185
Hotel/Motel              100-199 Rooms $443 $221
Hotel/Motel              200 or more Rooms $500 $250
Tourist Rooming House     1-4 Rooms $196  $98
Bed & Breakfast      1-8 Rooms $247 $124
Pool - Simple $309 $155 
Pool - Simple with Features  $355 $178
Pool - Moderate $371  $185 
Pool - Moderate with Features $386 $193
Pool - Complex $412 $206 
Pool - Complex with Features $453 $227
Campground          1-25 Sites $242 $121
Campground        25-50 Sites $263 $131
Campground        51-100 Sites $283 $142
Campground      101-199 Sites $371 $185
Campground      over 200 Sites $474 $237
Rec/Ed Camp - Simple no Hospitality $490 $245
Rec/Ed Camp - Simple with Hospitality $540 $270 
Rec/Ed Camp - Moderate no Hospitality $530 $265
Rec/Ed Camp - Moderate with Hospitality $635 $318
Rec/Ed Camp - Complex no Hospitality $570 $285
Rec/Ed Camp - Complex with Hospitality $715 $358
Special Event Campground                  1-25 Sites $100 N/A
Special Event Campground                26-50 Sites $110 N/A
Special Event Campground                51-100 Sites $120 N/A
Special Event Campground                101-199 Sites $150 N/A
Special Event Campground              over 200 Sites $210 N/A

Inspection and Other Fee List
Type License Fee
Re-Inspection Fee 1/4 of License Fee
Duplicate Permit $5
Inspection Fee - Transient $40
Operating without a Certified Food Protection Manager $150
Late Fee $100
DPI School Inspection-Production $484
DPI School Inspection-Satellite $206
Jail Inspection $206



Radon Kit Fee List
Kit Type  Fees 
Short Term Kit $10
Long Term Kit $20

Septic System Permits and Inspection

Sanitary Permits Fee List
Sanitary System Type  Type 
Large System: (8,000 gpd or greater)  $1,221

Large System: (5,000 less than 8,000 gpd) 

Large System: (3,000 less than 5,000 gpd)  $1167 
Mound Type POWTS: (less than 3,000 gpd)  $1167
At-Grade Type POWTS: (less than 3,000 gpd) $1167 
Sand Filter & Drip Line Effluent Type: (less than 3,000 gpd) $1167 
Experimental POWTS: (less than 3,000 gpd)  $1135 
Inground Pressure Distribution System: (less than 3,000 gpd)  $811
In-ground Soil Absorption (non-pressurized): (less than 3,000 gpd)  $551
Holding Tank:  $869
Sanitary Permit Transfer/Renewal:  $170
Appeal to the LUPE Committee:  $75

Reconstruction: The rebuilding or replacement of a component of a private sewage system in order to:

Sanitary Permits - Reconstruction Fee List
Type  Fees 

Remove a clogging layer within the soil absorption portion of a mound system.
(Excludes a grade system types and properties having >3000 gpd daily sewage discharge rate)

Replace a septic tank, pump tank or holding tank due to structural failure  $252

Replace an existing septic tank, pump tank or holding tank that is undersized with a properly sized tank
(includes the installation of an aeration tank)


Install an additional septic tank, pump tank or holding tank for the purpose of increasing the liquid capacity of the existing tank
(includes the installation of an aeration tank)


Wisconsin Fund Grant Application Fee
Type  Fee 
Wisconsin Fund Grant Application Fee  $100.00 

Preliminary Site Evaluation Fee List
 Type   Fees 
Swimming Pool (Above or Below Ground); Concrete Deck; Wooden Deck; Pole Building; Out Building; Garages (Detached)   $56.00
Building addition and/or remodeling  with no bedroom addition   $72.00 
Building addition and/or remodeling that will result in an increase in number of bedrooms or an increase or change of use for a commercial building    $87.00

Well and Septic Evaluations
Type Fee 

Well Evaluation (Bacteriological Test Only) 


Well Evaluation Only


Septic Evaluation Only


Well and Septic Evaluation For Real Estate Transfer (Bacteriological & Chemical Test includes: Coliform Bacteria, Nitrates and Arsenic)


Private Well Water Quality

Water Sample Collection and Analysis Fee List
Type Fee 

Coliform Bacteria












Environmental Health Reports

Environmental Health Customized Report Fee 
Customized Report
Hand holding money jar with plant inside

Contact Us

515 W Moreland Blvd, Suite AC260
Waukesha, WI 53188 Directions 
Phone: 262-896-8300
Fax:     262-896-8298

Office Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday thru Friday

Laboratory Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
*Please call for lab hours during a holiday week

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