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Food and Recreational Licensing

Waukesha County Environmental Health staff are responsible for licensing and inspecting food, lodging, and recreational facilities within Waukesha County to protect public health and safety.  This includes the following types of facilities: restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, taverns, mobile food trucks, farmers markets’, other retail food establishments, public swimming pools, hotels/motels, tourist rooming houses, bed and breakfasts, campgrounds, and recreational/educational camps. 


Places to Stay

Get licensing information for:

All Waukesha County bed and breakfast must be licensed and inspected each year. We do this to make sure they meet all requirements of Wisconsin law related to general public health. 

What is a Bed and Breakfast? 

A bed & breakfast is an owner-occupied personal residence with up to eight sleeping rooms for rent to visitors. The home must be occupied by the owner at the time of rental, and the only meal served to guests is breakfast. There cannot be more than 20 visitors at one time.

How to Get Your Bed and Breakfast Licensed?

Before you can offer rooms to visitors, you must get a bed and breakfast license from us. We must do a pre-inspection before your new license can be approved. We must do a health inspection once every licensing year to make sure you are in compliance with the law.

Zoning & Taxes: 

Apply for a license:

Schedule an Inspection

Contact our office at 262-896-8300 and speak with the Environmental Health Inspector that handles your area or email to schedule the pre-license inspection of your property. Your license must be approved before you can rent out sleeping accommodations. 


  • Each license issued by Waukesha County expires June 30 of each year. 
  • License year runs from July 1-June 30 of each year.
  • Renewal fees shall be submitted to Waukesha County Environmental Health before June 30 each year.

All Waukesha County hotels must be licensed and inspected each year. We do this to make sure they meet all requirements of Wisconsin law related to general public health. 

What is a Hotel? 

A hotel is a place where five or more sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to visitors.

How to Get Your Hotel Licensed?

Before you can offer rooms to visitors, you must get a hotel license from us. We must do a pre-inspection before your new license can be approved. We must do a health inspection once every licensing year to make sure you are in compliance with the law.

Zoning & Taxes: 

Apply for a license:

Schedule an Inspection

Contact our office at 262-896-8300 and speak with the Environmental Health Inspector that handles your area or email to schedule the pre-license inspection of your property. Your license must be approved before you can rent out sleeping accommodations. 


  • Each license issued by Waukesha County expires June 30 of each year.  
  • License dates extend from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the following year.
  • Renewal fees shall be submitted to Waukesha County Environmental Health before June 30 each year.


ATCP 72 Hotels, Motels, and Tourist Rooming Houses
Bed Bugs in Wisconsin QA
Emergency Assistance Card
Room Rate Card

All Waukesha County short term rentals must be licensed and inspected each year. We do this to make sure they meet all requirements of Wisconsin law related to general public health. 

What is a Short Term Rental? 

Rental of all or part of a residence to visitors for less than a month is commonly known as a Short-Term Rental (STR). Its legal term in Wisconsin is a Tourist Rooming House. Wisconsin allows the rental of one to four sleeping accommodations, which can be rooms of a home or an entire home or cabin.

How to Get Your Short Term Rental Licensed?

Before you can offer short-term rentals, you must get a Tourist Rooming House license from us. We must do a pre-inspection before your new license can be approved. We must do a health inspection once every licensing year to make sure you are in compliance with the law.

Zoning & Taxes: 

Apply for a license:

Schedule an Inspection

Contact our office at 262-896-8300 and speak with the Environmental Health Inspector that handles your area or email to schedule the pre-license inspection of your property. Your license must be approved before you can rent out sleeping accommodations. 


  • Each license issued by Waukesha County expires June 30 of each year.  
  • License dates extend from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the following year.
  • Renewal fees shall be submitted to Waukesha County Environmental Health before June 30 each year.

Retail Food Establishments

Get licensing information for:

If You Are Opening a Food Establishment

Learn about:

  • Applying for a license
  • The plan review and pre-inspection process
  • Structural and operational requirements from the Wisconsin Food Code

Guidelines for Food Establishments
Food Licensing and Plan Review Flow Chart

Licensing Fees

You must pay a licensing fee to get an annual food license. The fee is based on food handling complexity. There is also a one-time pre-inspection fee which covers:

  • The cost of reviewing plans

  • Working with us on:
    • Equipment installation
    • Proper design and construction of the facility
  • On-site evaluation of the facility before issuing the permit.

How To Get a Food License

  1. Complete the Plan of Operation document. For questions, to get help completing this document or to contact an Environmental Health Inspector for your area, call Environmental Heath at 262-896-8300 or email us. Once the plan of operation has been reviewed an application form will be sent to you. 
  2. If your establishment is new or remodeled
    • Fill out the Plan Review Application. Please submit 30 days prior to start of construction/remodeling. 
    • Send a copy of the kitchen plans to:
      • Environmental Health Division, 515 W Moreland Blvd., Room AC260, Waukesha, WI, 53188 Directions 
      • Or email us
  3. Once a completed application form has been submitted and fees paid, schedule a pre-inspection with us:
    • Call 262-896-8300 or email us
    • After your application and fees are processed and your pre-inspection is completed, you will get your license in the mail.
  4. Check with your local municipality for zoning, fire, and/or other local requirements.

Zoning & Taxes: 


  • Each license issued by Waukesha County expires June 30 of each year. 
  • License dates extend from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the following year.
  • Renewal fees shall be submitted to Waukesha County Environmental Health before June 30 each year.

If You Are Opening a Mobile Retail Food Establishment

Mobile food establishments are like restaurants on wheels. Many of the same code requirements for restaurants apply to them, including licensing. It’s important to take the time to fully research your new business before applying for a license.

Please review the following information prior to purchasing and/or building a mobile food unit and applying for the mobile food cart and base licenses.

How To Get a Food License

  1. Complete the Plan of Operation document.
    • For questions, to get help completing this document or to contact an Environmental Health Inspector for your area, call 262-896-8300 or email us.
    • Once the plan of operation has been reviewed an application form will be sent to you. 
  2. Once a completed application form has been submitted and fees paid Schedule a pre-inspection with us:
    • Call 262-896-8300 or email us
    • After your application and fee are processed and your pre-inspection is completed, you will get your license in the mail.
  3. Check with your local municipality for zoning, fire, and/or other local requirements.

Zoning & Taxes: 


  • Each license issued by Waukesha County expires June 30 of each year. 
  • License dates extend from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the following year.
  • Renewal fees shall be submitted to Waukesha County Environmental Health before June 30 each year.

We issue annual transient food and drink licenses to food vendors for special events. Events include:

  • Fairs
  • Festivals
  • Sporting events
  • Farmers’ markets
What is a Transient Food Stand?

A transient food stand serves food to the public at one location for no more than 14 consecutive days.

License Exemptions
    • A non-profit food stand serving meals may operate up to three days within a calendar year. After three days, a license and payment is required.
    • A non-profit food stand serving retail foods (non-meals) is allowed to operate up to twelve days per calendar year. After twelve days, a license and payment is required.
    • Food stands at youth sporting events, such as a little league game, that operate for the benefit of the youth sports team or program.
    • Home bakers selling baked goods following DATCP Guidelines
    • Pickle Bill

Free food samples

Sampling of free, bite sized portions of any food item will not require licensing as long as they meet these requirements:

    • Food is obtained from an approved source.
    • Sample should be bite-sized portions.
    • Samples are free – no samples are being sold.
    • Samples are safely dispensed to the public. All samples must be dispensed individually in disposable containers, on single service napkins, or served with disposable utensils.
    • Food is kept at proper temperature. 
    • No bare hand contact with the food is allowed. Gloves or utensils are required to be used.
    • A temporary hand washing station should be set-up.
    • A wash, rinse, sanitizing station should be set up if utensils used to prep or portion samples will need to be washed onsite.
Transient Food Licenses from Other Jurisdictions
  • If you have a current transient food license from another jurisdiction, you can vend at Waukesha County events.
  • Make sure to have the current license with you. If you can’t show your license, you may be required to buy a transient food license from us.
  • Keep your most recent inspection report for your license with you at every event. The Inspectors will review and may determine that an inspection is not required.
  • Please note: Even with a license and inspection report from another jurisdiction, you may be subject to an inspection and inspection fee.
Information for Event Coordinators

Event coordinators have an important role in assuring food safety. By working together, we will:

  • Identify and resolve potential public health concerns before the event
  • Make sure vendors complete their license application and pay fees.
  • Submit a Food Vendor Participant Log
  • Educate vendors about food safety requirements.
  • Provide an Environmental Health representative at vendor meeting(s) if requested.
How to get your Transient Food Stand licensed? 
  • Fill out the Plan of Operation and Application Form and submit back to our office along with the appropriate fee. 
  • The application and payment can be submitted by mail or in person:
      • Waukesha County Environmental Health Division, 515 W Moreland Blvd., Room AC260, Waukesha, WI 53188 Directions 
      • By phone once the application form has been submitted by email
  • Call us at 262-896-8300 or email us before the event to discuss your food stand set up.
  • Check with your local municipality for zoning, fire, and/or other local requirements.
  • For questions, to get help completing this application, or to contact an Environmental Health Inspector, call Environmental Heath at 262-896-8300 or email us.


  • Each license issued by Waukesha County expires June 30 of each year.  
  • License dates extend from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the following year.

Recreational Establishments

Get licensing information for:

All Waukesha County campgrounds must be licensed and inspected each year. We do this to make sure they meet all requirements of Wisconsin law related to general public health.

​​​​Prior to operating a campground, you must have a permit from the Department of Parks and Land Use, Environmental Health Division. There are no exemptions to the permitting requirement for private, family-owned, or not-for-profit campgrounds. 

Campground plan approval is required prior to beginning the construction phase for a new campground and for the expansion of capacity in an existing campground. A campground plan approval application is required to be completed by the operator and submitted with a map of the new or expanded campground to Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use, Environmental Health Division. The map is not required to be created by an architect or engineer.​

What is a campground?

A campground is defined as any parcel or tract of land, owned by a person, the state, or a local government, which is used for the purpose of providing campsites for:

  • Non-permanent overnight use by four or more campsites or
  • Non-permanent overnight use by one to three campsites​ if the parcel or tract of land is represented as a campground. Note: Represented  as a campground means to advertise using the media, a sign, or a symbol.

If you intend to expand the capacity of an existing campground, contact Waukesha County Environmental Health to begin the process of approval to operate the expanded portion. An increase in the size of your campground may also change your permit category,  which could increase your permit fee.​

How to License a New or Change of Ownership Campground

To apply for a license for a new campground or when there is a change of ownership:

Complete and submit an application and pay fees to Waukesha County Environmental Health Division. Fees and application must be submitted to our office 30 days prior to opening. You may submit the application and payment in the following methods:

  • Email - Payment can by made by credit card by calling into the office at 262-896-8300 once you have received confirmation that the application has been received
  • Mail or in-person:
    • 515 W Moreland Blvd., Room AC260, Waukesha, WI 53188 Directions 



  • Each license issued by Waukesha County expires June 30 of each year.  
  • License dates extend from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the following year.
  • Renewal fees shall be submitted to Waukesha County Environmental Health before June 30 each year.

Special Event Campground:

"Special Event" means a single event such as a fair, rally or festival involving the gathering of camping units for a maximum of 7 consecutive nights. 

Please submit the application form at least 30 days before the event. 

All Waukesha County recreational and educational campgrounds must be licensed and inspected each year. We do this to make sure they meet all requirements of Wisconsin law related to general public health.

What is a recreational and educational campground? 

A recreational and educational camp (rec ed camp) is defined as a premises, including temporary and permanent structures, that are operated as overnight living quarters, where food or lodging are provided for a camper. The camp provides a combination of planned program activities established for the primary purpose of an indoor or outdoor group living experience for campers with social, recreational, spiritual, and educational objectives during one or more seasons of the year. A rec ed camp is advertised or offered free of charge or for payment of a fee by a person, or by the state or local government. The updated “with hospitality" license structure accounts for when camps extend their services beyond campers such as family camps, adult retreats, wedding parties, or various online rental platforms utilizing the same camp structures extending the use of the beautiful camp properties throughout the state. ​

When people think of rec ed camps they generally associate them with the terms summer camp or youth camps where children are dropped off for a week or more at a time. While these type of operations are typical of rec ed camps, they do not encompass all camp models.​

Licensing New Recreational/Educational Campgrounds and Change of Ownership

To apply for a license for a new rec ed campground or when there is a change of ownership:

Complete and submit an application and pay fees to Waukesha County Environmental Health Division. Application form should be submitted 30 days prior to desired opening date. 

  • Email - Payment can by made by credit card by calling into the office at 262-896-8300 once you have received confirmation that the application has been received
  • Mail or in-person:
    • 515 W Moreland Blvd., Room AC260, Waukesha, WI 53188 Directions 

Contact an Environmental Health Sanitarian at 262-896-8300 or email for a pre-inspection before opening to the public. 



  • Each license issued by the Waukesha County Division of Environmental Health expires June 30 of each year.
  • License dates extend from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the following year.
  • Renewal fees shall be submitted to our office before June 30 each year.

All Waukesha County public swimming pools must be licensed and inspected each year. We do this to make sure they meet all requirements of Wisconsin law related to general public health.

What is a public swimming pool?

Public swimming pools are defined as a basin of water used for recreation that is open to the public or used by three or more individual residences.

Licensing for New Pools and Changes of Ownership

Before constructing, remodeling, or renovating a licensed pool contact the Waukesha County Division of Environmental Health. Plans must be approved by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS)

To apply for a license for a new pool or when there is a change of ownership:

  1. Complete and submit an application and pay fees to the Waukesha County Environmental Health Division. Application should be submitted 30 days prior to desired opening date. 
    • Email - Payment can by made by credit card by calling into the office at 262-896-8300 once you have received confirmation that the application has been received
    • Mail or in-person:
      • 515 W Moreland Blvd., Room AC260, Waukesha, WI 53188 Directions 
  2. Contact an Environmental Health Inspector for your area at 262-896-8300 or email for a pre-inspection before opening to the public.
  3. Zoning: Find out if you are in the Waukesha County Zoning Jurisdiction. If not contact your local municipality

Licenses are valid each year from July 1 to June 30. Each license we issue expires on June 30. Licenses issued after April 1 will be valid until June 30 of the following year. 

Renewing Licenses

You need to renew your license each year. We will mail a renewal to you in the beginning of May. You need to return it with your payment before June 30 of each year. 

If you have questions regarding the operation of licensed swimming pool or need to apply for a license to operate a regulated swimming pool please contact us or call (262) 896-8300 during normal business hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.

Hand holding money jar with plant inside

Contact Us

515 W Moreland Blvd, Suite AC260
Waukesha, WI 53188 Directions 
Phone: 262-896-8300
Fax:     262-896-8298

Office Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday thru Friday

Laboratory Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
*Please call for lab hours during a holiday week

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