Learn to Play Hockey
At Eble & Naga-Waukee Park Ice Arenas
Eble Park Ice Arena
Introduction to Ice Skating for Hockey
Taught by Waukesha County Park System Staff
Designed for first time skaters with little to no experience
- Participant Ages: 4-12 years old
- Required Equipment:
- Hockey helmet with face mask
- Knee/Shin pads
- Elbow Pads
- Hockey Gloves
- Recommended Equpment
- Breezers/Hockey Pants
- Shoulder Pads
- Cost: $90.00 for a 5-week session
- How to Register: Registration is accepted online through Waukesha County Park System.
- Questions? Please email ebleicearena@waukeshacounty.gov.
Learn to Play Hockey - Youth
Taught by Waukesha County Park System Staff
Designed for skaters who have completed a learn to skate program
- Participant Ages: 4-12 years old
- Cost: $90.00 for a 5-week session
- Required Equipment:
- Hockey Helmet with Face Mask
- Hockey Shin and Elbow Pads
- Hockey Gloves
- Breezers/Hockey Pants
- Shoulder Pads
- Hockey Stick
- Hockey Jersey
- How to Register: Registration is accepted online through Waukesha County Park System.
- Questions? Please email ebleicearena@waukeshacounty.gov.
Naga-Waukee Park Ice Arena
Learn to Play Hockey
at Naga-Waukee Ice Arena
This is a 5-week course to introduce your child to the basics of shooting, passing, stick-handling and game play.
- Ages 4-16 | 6:00p.m.- 6:30 p.m.
- Wednesdays Evenings