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Environmental Education

Explore Educational Programming Offered by Waukesha County Parks

Public Programs

Discover how our environmental education programs connect you with nature through hands-on learning experiences. Explore more to learn about upcoming opportunities.

Wee Wonders:

This monthly program involves a story and nature discovery for children, offering hands-on experiences in a variety of nature topics.

Children must be accompanied by an adult. Programs include an outdoor portion weather permitting; please dress for the weather. 

Program Descriptions:

  • January: Planetarium Show & Hike
    • Explore the moon and night sky with Sesame Street, then take a short winter hike with a naturalist.
  • February: Wait, Rest, Pause
    • How are living things surviving the cold winter? We’ll hike and learn about ladybugs, chickadees, squirrels, plants, and more! 
  • March: Snow Melting Day - Spring is on its Way
    • Let’s learn how animals are celebrating the melting of snow and warming of the earth and find signs that things outside are waking up!  
  • April: Bird Builds a Nest
    • We’ll pretend we’re birds and make the snuggliest, safest nest we can in this hands-on nest building activity. 
  • May: Very Hungry Caterpillar
    • Why are caterpillars always eating!? We’ll learn their life cycle and take a short hike to find them. 
  • June: Pollinator Week Celebration
    • Let's celebrate the bees and other things that help flowers - and us! 

Outdoor Classroom

This series for elementary age students explores nature and our outside world with seasonal topics and hands-on discovery.

Students must be accompanied by an adult. Programs include an outdoor portion weather permitting; please dress for the weather. 

Program Descriptions:

  • Title: Snowshoe Adventure
    • Hike with snowshoes and a naturalist. We’ll learn their history and why they help us move in snow. * A hike or visit with an animal with built-in snowshoes will replace snowshoeing if snow cover is not adequate. 
  • Title: Wildlife Tracking
    • Look for clues that animals leave behind as we explore our winter world. We’ll hunt in snow or mud and create our own tracks! A hike will replace snowshoeing if snow cover is not adequate. 
  • Title: Hiking through the Water Cycle
    • Become a water drop as you travel through the water cycle in an incredible journey. Then lace up your boots as we hike around Retzer to look for water in different places in the water cycle. 
  • Title: The Weather Machine
    • Discover the basics of the Earth’s “Weather Machine”. We’ll learn how the global weather machine is responsible for Wisconsin’s climate and use special equipment to take measurements.
  • Title: Chipmunks
    • Mid-March is the time chipmunks awaken; let's learn more about the biology of this cute forest creature and hike to witness their special behaviors.
  • Title: Lichens Mosses
    • Lichens and mosses are fascinating and unlike many other living things. We'll learn WHAT they are, and how they survive and reproduce.
  • Title: Spring Ephemeral Hike
    • Beautiful things in Spring! Join us as we look for colorful signs of spring – flowers! Use observation skills to find Spring Ephemerals as we learn of their cool adaptations.
  • Title: How Does Your Garden Grow? 
    • Let's plant something edible! Learn about different garden plants and challenges they have in different soils and conditions and take home your treasure. 
  • Title: Wonderful Wetlands
    • Why are wetlands so important? We'll discover their unique features and how they support life on earth.
  • Title: Ants on the March
    •  Although ants can't see very far, they are smart, strong, and able to travel long distances. Let's be amazed as we watch the family Formicidae in action. 
  • Title: Worms and Nematodes
    • Let's explore the different kinds of squiggly things living underground on our hike into different habitats. 
  • Title: Unseen Life
    • Let's learn about and take a look at tiny living things up close; things we may not realize we walk right by, or over!
  • Title: Amphibians
    • Enjoy a pond experience as we look for the amphibians of Retzer and learn their adaptations.


Sunset Meditation & Night Hike

Come unwind under the dome of the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium and meditate for your mental health!  

View a planetarium show of an amazing sunset as you travel from the Grand Canyon to the North Pole, then relax under a night sky filled with stars with glimpses of the Northern Lights under the dome.

After the planetarium show, take a quiet hike outside with a naturalist and discover tranquil sights and sounds of Retzer Nature Center (weather permitting).

Ben Goss Bird Club at Retzer Nature Center

Benjamin Goss Bird Club provides an opportunity for those interested in an active study of birds and their habitats. The public is invited to attend an in-person meeting, led by expert guest speakers and members, or join the meeting virtually. 

For more information, visit

Program Descriptions:

  • Title: The Big Sit! 
    • At this free, annual, international birding event count as many different species of birds that you can see or hear! Bring binoculars, a chair, and dress appropriately.
  • Title: Morning Bird Hikes
    • Scout areas of Retzer with us to see how many different types of birds we can find on an easy, 1.5-mile walk. No expertise is needed, and all skill levels are welcome.
  • Title: Annual Waukesha Spring Bird Count
    • Join others for some birding fun during this event, which encompasses an area 15 miles in diameter to tally observed bird species.


Retzer Nature Center Camera Club

The Camera Club meets monthly with instructional programs, sharing/ critiquing of members’ photographs, discussing equipment and technique, and providing opportunities for taking photographs at Retzer Nature Center and other nature areas. Open to the public.


Request a Recycling Program

Get involved with Waukesha County's Recycling Education Programs and make a difference! Our programs are fun and interactive, suitable for all ages and provide practical tips to effectively recycle and reduce waste. 

Programs Available at Retzer Nature Center:

  • Title: Papermaking
    • Learn where paper comes from and how it is made. Make paper with wildflower seeds to plant at home. Then, head to the forest to learn what part of the tree is used to make paper products.
    • Optional: Add on the recycling Exhibit Tour, where students will learn how to "Recycle Right."
  • Title: Recycle Racoon Adventure Hike
    • Learn about recycling and natural resources from Recycle Raccoon, Waukesha County Recycles mascot. He’ll teach us what everyday actions you can do in and around your home and yard by exploring the 4 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot. There will be lots of adventure along the
    • Optional: Add on the recycling Exhibit Tour, where students will learn how to "Recycle Right."
  • Title: Recycling: Your Actions Matter
    • Learn how your actions matter by exploring the 4Rs-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot! Students will learn what it means to close the recycling loop during our interactive exhibit tour and hands-on composting activities.
    • 5K Free Online Curriculum: How Can We Reduce Our Negative Impact on the Community?

Programs Available at Your Location:

  • Title: Composting from Start to Finish
    • Learn how to create and use your own compost. Look at different compost bin styles that you can build and buy. Understand how compost works to improve the health of your soils for lawns and gardens.
  • Title: Green Cleaning Workshop
    • We strive to keep our homes clean and healthy, but sometimes use toxic chemicals to do so. Is there a safer way? Find out what common household ingredients can be used to keep your home healthy, clean and safe.
  • Title: Home Makeover: Green Edition
    • Whether you're looking to green your home, your lawn, or wallet- we'll cover them all! Learn ways to live a comfortable and sustainable lifestyle from recycling right to lawn care.
  • Title: Recycling Assembly
    • For multiple grades or groups of 75 or more. Our high-energy recycling assembly is sure to rev up your students to recycle more and to recycle right! Students take part in a lively recycling relay race along with an interactive presentation. Learn what to recycle, where recyclables go and what recyclables become. Learn how your actions matter!
  • Title: Recycling: Up Close and Personal
    • We use a lot of finite resources. Discover the numbers behind consumption on a global and nationwide scale and how you can reduce this number. Find out what happens to many of these materials and how recycling helps us manage much of what we consume.

Request a Parks Program

Waukesha County community groups and organizations can request programs at Retzer Nature Center.

Park Programs at Retzer Nature Center

  • Title: Nature Connections for Adult Groups
    • Join a Retzer Teaching Naturalist for a hands-on experience that engages and connects participants with the natural world.
      • Topics:
        • Animal Ambassadors
        • Prairie Above & Below
        • Plants & Pollinators
        • Butterflies
        • Birds
        • Animal Skulls
        • Owls
        • Nature at Night
        • Turtles
        • Insect Exploration

Park Programs at Your Location

  • Title: Groundwater - Our Buried Treasure
    • Ages: 8+
    • Duration: 30-60 minutes 
    • Description: Discover how the ground provides clean water for us to drink. Learn how that water can become contaminated and how to eliminate the dangers. Leave with actions you can take at home to keep your
      water safe.
  • Title: I Live in a Watershed
    • Ages: 8+
    • Duration: 45 minutes 
    • Description: Our watershed model provides a hands-on, interactive demonstration of the sources and effects of runoff pollution. Learn about the watershed you live in and see how it connects…all the way to the ocean! By the end of this program, you will understand what a watershed is, how it functions and how you are part of it.
  • Title: Rain Gardens & Rain Barrels
    • Age:16+
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Description: Rain barrels have been used for many generations. Discover how they can actually help restore a more natural water flow while saving you money. Not only will we explore how to install rain barrels, but we will learn about the benefits of rain gardens too! Rain gardens and rain barrels can be a beautiful solution to water pollution.
  • Title: Nature Connections for Adult Groups
    • Ages: 18+
    • Duration: 1 hour 
      • Topics:
        • Animal Ambassadors
        • Prairie Above & Below
        • Plants & Pollinators
        • Butterflies
        • Birds
        • Animal Skulls
        • Owls
        • Nature at Night
        • Turtles
        • Exploration
  • Title: Sustainable Yardening
    • Ages: 16+ 
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Learn how to make your yard and garden more than just another pretty place. Make your space a contributor to a healthy environment by creating habitat, planting native and protecting water. Discover practical ways to make a healthy environment around your home and see how together we can make a big difference.
  • Title: Food Safety
    • Ages: 8+
    • Duration: 30-60 minutes
    • Description: Become aware of food safety and the consequences of mishandling food. Hand washing is emphasized and interactive activities are available.

Spring Break Programs

Events every day from March 24-28 to keep folks and families engaged!

Morning sessions geared towards younger students with story included. Afternoon sessions geared towards older students.

Children must be accompanied by an adult. Programs may include an outdoor portion weather permitting; please dress for the weather. 

Program Descriptions

  • Title: Life in a Shell
    • Let's explore all the things that have "shells" close up and from afar, learning about the different types of shells and their purpose. You might be surprised! 
  • Title: Spring has Sprung
    • Let’s hit the trails to look for signs of spring, including flowers, plants and animals, and we will use our sense of smell to investigate the new growth of the season.
  • Title: Nature Recycles
    • Let's learn about composting and how nature recycles things, including itself!
  • Title: Rabbits Rule
    • Wisconsin is home to 2 species of rabbits, and both are special in their own way. Meet our mammal friend and learn more about these wonderful creatures.
  • Title: Things with Wings
    • There are so many things with wings; be surprised to see what flies! 
  • Title: Animal Adaptations
    • Enjoy a visit from the Retzer teaching animals! See how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and adaptation.
  • Title: Recycle Racoon's Adventure
    • See the recycling exhibit in action! As we hike, Recycle Racoon will teach us everyday actions we can do in and around our home and yard by exploring the 4 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot.

Summer Programs

Summer doesn't mean learning has to stop! Explore programs below.

Summer Programs at Retzer Nature Center:

  • Title: Nature Storytime Hike
    • This program focuses on reading and roaming! Naturalists will share a story and lead indoor and outdoor hands-on explorations designed to complement the program topic and story. 
      • Hike topics:
        • Water Discovery
        • Insect Investigation
        • Life in a Shell
        • Terrific Trees
        • Color in Nature
        • Things with Wings
  • Title: Animal Adaptations
    • Enjoy a visit from the Retzer teaching animals! See how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and adaptation
  • Title: Navigating Nature
    • Work as a team using a map to navigate Retzer’s trails. Depending on the trail you choose we’ll discover frogs, birds, skunk cabbage,
      insects, flowers and more as we navigate through nature!
  • Title: Water Discovery
    • Meet pond and stream creatures close-up! Learn about the adaptations and features they possess to live in
      these watery worlds. (One chaperone is recommended per four children for ages 6 and younger.)
  • Title: Insect Investigation
    • Meet some insects that call Retzer home. We will explore the insect world, learn about their adaptations and get a close-up look at these six-legged creatures!
  • Title: Nature Exploration
    • Using our powers of observation and sensory skills, we will have a hands-on outdoor experience exploring the natural treasures of the season.
  • Title: Art in Nature
    • Nature creates unique artwork all around us with beautiful colors, interesting patterns, and unusual textures. During this program, we will look for artistic inspiration on the Retzer Trails and create an ephemeral art piece or nature journal to record the art we found in nature.

Summer Programs at Your Location

The programs below are available to be booked and presented at your facility or location.

  • Title: Nature Storytime
    • This program focuses on reading and roaming! Naturalists will share a story and lead indoor and outdoor hands-on explorations designed to complement the program topic and story. 
      • Topics:
        • Insect Investigation
        • Life in a Shell
        • Terrific Trees
        • Color in Nature
        • Things with Wings
  • Title: Animal Adaptations
    • Enjoy a visit from the Retzer teaching animals! See how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and adaptation
  • Title: Nature Storytime for Toddlers
    • This program focuses on reading and exploring! We will read a story, meet a Retzer animal and have an age-appropriate hands-on activity.
      • Topics:
        • Insects
        • Turtles
        • Birds
        • Frogs
        • Rabbits

School Programs

Retzer Nature Center and the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium offer a variety of programs for all ages, abilities and groups from pre-K to High School.

Our programs are NGSS aligned and incorporate STEM practices. Create a custom field trip experience with a Retzer program paired with a Planetarium program.

Scout Programs

Retzer Nature Center and Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium offer many programs for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts including badges, petals, adventures and merit badges. 

Programs are offered during scout nights, merit badge week or individual request for your den, pack or troop only.

Scout Nights at Retzer Nature Center

Girl Scout Night Programs & Descriptions:

  • Title: Fall Girl Scout Night - Brownie Bugs Badge
    • Talk to a bug specialist, see bugs in action, explore bug homes, take a brief bug walk outside (weather permitting) and take home a bug craft.
  • Title: Fall Girl Scout Night - STEM Career Exploration Badge Planetarium Program
    • The Horwitz-DeRemer team will assist Girl Scouts of all levels in fulfilling steps toward this badge. Watch Big Astronomy-People, Places & Discoveries; Drifting North; The Article Pulse; and Cosmix. Presenters will describe their STEM career path and answer questions. Arrive early or stay late to explore the lobby, where various books and displays about STEM careers will be on exhibit. 
  • Title: Fall Girl Scout Night - Think Like a Citizen Scientist Planetarium Program
    • The Horwitz-DeRemer team will help Girl Scouts of all levels get started in earning their badge by discussing various astronomy citizen science projects. Items covered include but are not limited to: explore what it means to observe, discuss the scientific method and find out how scientists use it to find answers to some of the most important scientific questions, explore how scientists do research and create solutions to real-world problems and more.
  • Title: Winter Girl Scout Night - Daisy Space Science Explorer
    • Explore space science by watching a full-dome planetarium show called “Max Goes to the Moon,” listen to a local talk, and learn how to make and use a sundial.
  • Title: Winter Girl Scout Night - Brownie Household Elf
    • Learn how to make your home clean and green. Discover the importance of Reduce, Reuse & Recycle, and take away tips to save water and energy at home to earn your badge.
  • Title: Winter Girl Scout Night - Daisy Make the World a Better Place
    • Learn about making the world a better place with the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Read Rosie’s story and conduct a mock trash sort activity to complete the requirements to earn your rose petal.
  • Title: Winter Girl Scout Night - Brownie Space Science Adventurer
    • Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science adventurer by previewing the full-dome planetarium show called “The Little Star That Could” and listening to a local star talk.
  • Title: Winter Girl Scout Night - Junior Space Science Investigator
    • Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science investigator by previewing the full-dome planetarium shows called “Four Paths to the Sun,” and “Two Small Pieces of Glass,” listening to a local star talk while doing a night sky scavenger hunt.
  • Title: Spring Girl Scout Night - Daisy Eco Learner
    • Nature gives us many gifts. Daisy Girl Scouts will learn some ways to give back by protecting nature. Scouts will learn how to be prepared before going outdoors, play a wildlife game, observe plants and animals within a “nature circle”, and learn how to protect nature from trash.
  • Title: Spring Girl Scout Night - Junior Animal Habitat Badge
    • Junior Girl Scouts will learn about animal habitats in Wisconsin, investigate animal habitats at Retzer Nature Center, create animal houses for Retzer animals, and learn about endangered habitats and how to protect animal habitats. Steps 1-4 completed and guidance for Step 5 will be provided.
  • Title: Spring Girl Scout Night - Brownie Bugs Badge
    • Talk to a bug specialist, see bugs in action, explore bug homes, take a brief bug walk outside (weather permitting) and take home a bug craft.
  • Title: Spring Girl Scout Night - Think Like a Citizen Scientist
    • The Horwitz-DeRemer team will help Girl Scouts get started in earning their badge by discussing various astronomy citizen science projects. Items covered include but are not limited to: explore what it means to observe, discuss the scientific method and find out how scientists use it to find answers to some of the most important scientific questions, explore how scientists do research and create solutions to real-world problems and more.
  • Title: Spring Girl Scout Night - STEM Career Exploration Badge
    • The Horwitz-DeRemer team will assist Girl Scouts of all levels in fulfilling steps toward this badge. Watch Big Astronomy-People, Places & Discoveries; Drifting North; The Article Pulse; and Cosmix. Presenters will describe their STEM career path and answer questions. Arrive early or stay late to explore the lobby, where various books and displays about STEM careers will be on exhibit.

Cub Scout Night Programs & Descriptions:

  • Title: Fall Cub Scout Night - Arrow of Light Into the Woods
    • Learn about what trees and plants do for us and animals and why taking care of them is important to our planet’s well-being. Visit Retzer Nature Center and conduct a tree inventory. We will select a tree, classify it, learn how it deals with wildfire and how wildlife uses the tree. Requirements 1-5 will be completed.
  • Title: Fall Cub Scout Night - Webelos Champions for Nature
    • Learn about the wildlife we share our planet with - Explore the components of habitat, learn about an endangered species, what caused it to be endangered, and what is being done to protect the animal. Participate in a conservation service project to help endangered species habitat. Requirements 1-6 will be completed.
  • Title: Fall Cub Scout Night Planetarium Program - Tigers Sky is the Limit
    • During the Star Signs planetarium show, observe easy-to-see constellations and names of stars in the night sky. If weather permits, scouts will use a telescope, binoculars, or a sunspotter to observe distant objects, including but not limited to stars, planets, nebulae, galaxies and/or the sun. A live planetarium star talk will take place instead of telescope observation if the weather is not conducive for outdoor viewing. Lastly, a homemade model of a constellation will be made. Requirements 3-4 will be completed and guidance for Requirements 1-2 will be provided (weather permitting).
  • Title: Winter Cub Scout Night - Bear Champions for Nature
    • Natural resources are important to all living things an include water, soil and air. We will explore natural resources by investigating wastewater, soil and air pollution. Requirements 1-4 will be completed and guidance for Requirement 5 (conservation project) will be provided.
  • Title: Winter Cub Scout Night - Wolf Spirit of the Water
    • All living things need water to live but we use water for more than just survival. We'll learn where the water we use comes from, how water can become polluted, ways to conserve water in your home and how water is treated to become safe to drink. Requirements 1-4 will be completed.
  • Title: Winter Cub Scout Night - Lion & Tiger Champions for Nature
    • Discover natural resources and human-made items and how to recycle. Learn about the 4 R's: reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot, and discover what happens to the garbage in our community. Requirements 1-3 will be completed and guidance for Requirement 4 will be provided.
  • Title: Winter Cub Scout Night Planetarium Program - Tigers Sky is the Limit
    • During the Star Signs planetarium show, observe easy-to-see constellations and names of stars in the night sky. If weather permits, scouts will use a telescope, binoculars, or a sunspotter to observe distant objects, including but not limited to stars, planets, nebulae, galaxies and/or the sun. A live planetarium star talk will take place instead of telescope observation if the weather is not conducive for outdoor viewing. Lastly, a homemade model of a constellation will be made. Requirements 3-4 will be completed and guidance for Requirements 1-2 will be provided (weather permitting).
  • Title: Winter Cub Scout Night - Wolf Champions for Nature
    • The Earth provides valuable resources that we need - discover things you can do to ensure that the Earth's resources are taken care of and respected. Learn about the difference between renewable natural resources and nonrenewable. Learn about the four R's: reduce, reuse, recycle and rot, discover what happens to recyclables in our community and brainstorm ideas for a conservation project that will make a difference. Requirements 1-3 will be completed and guidance for Requirement 4 will be provided.
  • Title: Winter Cub Scout Night - Arrow of Light In the Wild
    • Go "into the wild" to learn about animals and how they contribute to the world in which we live. Visit Retzer Nature Center to observe animals and their behavior, create a model of an animal's ecosystem, see how animals and people coexist and learn about wildlife management. Requirements 1-5 will be completed.
  • Title: Spring Cub Scout Night - Lions & Tigers In the Wild
    • Take a hike at Retzer Nature Center and explore the outdoors! Learn about wild and domesticated animals, natural and manmade objects, and learn about the Outdoor Code and S.A.W. Requirements 1-4 will be completed.
  • Title: Spring Cub Scout Night - Bear Habitat
    • Come prepared for a one-mile hike at Retzer Nature Center! Review the Cub Scout Six Essentials and Leave No Trace Principles for Kids. Requirements 1-9 will be completed.
  • Title: Spring Cub Scout Night - Wolf Paws on the Path
    • Join us as we identify the Cub Scout Six Essentials, learn about the buddy system, how best to prepare for a hike, discuss the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace Principles for Kids and take a walk outside to explore Nature at Retzer. Requirements 1-5 will be completed."
  • Title: Spring Cub Scout Night Planetarium Program - Tiger Sky is the Limit
    • During the Star Signs planetarium show, observe easy-to-see constellations and names of stars in the night sky. If weather permits, scouts will use a telescope, binoculars, or a sunspotter to observe distant objects, including but not limited to stars, planets, nebulae, galaxies and/or the sun. A live planetarium star talk will take place instead of telescope observation if the weather is not conducive for outdoor viewing. Lastly, a homemade model of a constellation will be made. Requirements 3-4 will be completed and guidance for Requirements 1-2 will be provided (weather permitting).

Retzer Nature Center offers Girl Scout programs for your troop!

  • Minimum of 20 Girl Scouts required.
  • Programs are scheduled Mon.- Thurs., starting no later than 4 or 4:30 p.m. (depending on season.) 
  • Fees and program length are listed for each offering.
  • The occasional Saturday may be available for an increased fee and is based on staff availability.
  • Girl Scout programs without minimum enrollment numbers are offered on designated Girl Scout Nights.
  • Programs must be paid in full at the time of registration and are non-refundable.
  • Girl Scouts and chaperones: please dress appropriately for the outdoor portions for all Girl Scout programs.
  • Fees do not include patches or badges.

Program Descriptions & Information:

  • Title: Scout Animal Adaptions Hike
    • Ages: 5-18
    • Duration:1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Meet the Retzer teaching animals! Make observations and see how an animals’ physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and survival. Head outside to the Retzer Trails where we will look for animals, evidence of animals, and explore how animals use their adaptations to survive in the wild.
  • Title: Girl Scout Daisy - Design with Nature
    • Ages: 5-7
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Cost: $6/Scout
    • Description: Daisy Girl Scouts will explore nature by observing and counting birds, exploring and identifying animal tracks and making an adventure map.
  • Title: Girl Scout Daisy - Eco Learner
    • Ages: 5-7
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $6/Scout
    • Description: Daisy Girl Scouts will learn ways to give back by protecting nature. Program includes how to be prepared before going outdoors, a wildlife game, observation of plants and animals within a “nature circle”, and how to protect nature from trash.
  • Title: Girl Scout Brownie - Bugs
    • Ages: 7-9
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Brownie Girl Scouts will talk to a bug specialist, see bugs in action, explore bug homes, take a bug walk outside (weather permitting), and take home a bug craft.
  • Title: Girl Scout Brownie - Eco Friend
    • Ages: 7-9
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Find out how to treat outdoor spaces with kindness and teach others how they can too. Scouts will take a hike, find houses in nature and learn how to keep animal homes safe, learn how to build and safely put out a fire, and practice being kind in outdoor spaces.
  • Title: Girl Scout Junior - Animal Habitats Badge
    • Age 9-11
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Junior Girl Scouts will learn about animal habitats in Wisconsin, investigate animal habitats at Retzer Nature Center, create animal houses for Retzer animals, and learn about endangered habitats and how to protect animal habitats. Steps 1-4 completed and guidance for Step 5 will be provided.
  • Title: Girl Scout Junior - Shapes in Nature
    • Ages: 9-11
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout 
    • Description: Nature is a talented artist! It uses patterns, based in math, in many creations. In this badge, we will explore patterns found in nature, learn about symmetry, examine bilateral symmetry in leaves, make circular ephemeral art with natural objects, find fractals in nature and seek out spirals formed by the Fibonacci sequence.
  • Title: Girl Scout Cadette - Trees
    • Ages: 11-14
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Cadette Girl Scouts will observe different tree species, learn about the amazing science of trees, discuss logging, clearcutting and deforestation, learn how Waukesha County Parks cares for its trees, and make a tree project. Steps 1-4 completed and guidance for Step 5 will be provided.

Cub Scout Programs

Retzer Nature Center offers Cub Scout programs for your den or pack!

  • Minimum groups of 20 Scouts required.
  • Programs are scheduled Monday - Thursday starting no later than 4 or 4:30 pm depending on season.
  • Fees and program length listed with each offering
  • Occasional Saturday program may be available for an increased fee and based on staff availability.
  • Scout programs without minimum enrollment numbers are available to attend when offered on Scout Nights.
  • Programs must be paid in full at the time of registration and are non-refundable.
  • Please dress appropriately for outdoor portions of programs.
  • Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium programs for Scouts can be found by clicking the link here.

Program Descriptions and Information:

  • Title: Cub Scouts Lion & Tiger - Champions for Nature
    • Ages: 5-7
    • Duration: 1
    • Cost: $6/Scout
    • Description: Discover natural resources and human-made items and how to recycle. Learn about the 4 R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot, and discover what happens to the garbage in our community. Requirements 1-3 will be completed and guidance for Requirement 4 will be provided.
  • Title: Cub Scouts Lion & Tiger - Mountain Lions & Tigers in the Wild
    • Ages: 5-7
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Cost: $6/Scout
    • Description: Take a hike at Retzer Nature Center and explore the outdoors! Learn about wild and domesticated animals, natural and manmade objects, and learn about the Outdoor Code and S.A.W. Requirements 1-4 will be completed.
  • Title: Cub Scouts Wolf - Champions for Nature
    • Ages: 7-8
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Learn about the difference between renewable natural and nonrenewable resources. In addition, learn about the four R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle and rot, discover what happens to recyclables in our community and brainstorm ideas for a conservation project that will make a difference. Requirements 1-3 will be completed and guidance for Requirement 4 will be provided.
  • Title: Cub Scouts Wolf - Paws on the Path
    • Ages: 7-8
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Join us as we identify the Cub Scout Six Essentials, learn about the buddy system, how best to prepare for a hike, discuss the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace Principles for Kids and take a walk outside to explore Nature at Retzer. Requirements 1-5 will be completed.
  • Title: Cub Scouts Wolf - Spirit of the Water
    • Ages: 7-8
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: All living things need water to live, but we use water for more than just survival. We’ll learn where the water we use comes from, how water can become polluted, ways to conserve water in your home and how water is treated to become safe to drink. Requirements 1-4 will be completed.
  • Title: Cub Scouts Bear - Bear Habitat
    • Ages: 8-9
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Come prepared for a one-mile hike at Retzer Nature Center! Review the Cub Scout Six Essentials and Leave No Trace Principles for Kids. Requirements 1-9 will be completed.
  • Title: Cub Scouts Bear - Champions for Nature
    • Ages: 8-9
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Discover natural resources then dig deeper into soil, learn about wastewater and investigate air pollution. Complete requirements 1-4 and receive guidance for requirement 5.
  • Title: Cub Scouts Webelos - Champions for Nature
    • Ages: 9-10
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Learn about the wildlife we share our planet with - Explore the components of habitat, learn about an endangered species, what caused it to be endangered, and what is being done to protect the animal. Participate in a conservation service project to help endangered species habitat. Requirements 1-6 will be completed.
  • Title: Cub Scouts Arrow of Light - Into the Wild
    • Ages: 10-11
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Explore the components of habitat, learn about an endangered species, what caused it to be endangered, and what is being done to protect the animal. Participate in a conservation service project to help endangered species habitat. Requirements 1-6 will be completed.
  • Title: Cub Scouts Arrow of Light - Into the Woods
    • Ages: 10-11
    • Duration: 1.5 hours
    • Cost: $7/Scout
    • Description: Learn about what trees and plants do for us and animals and why taking care of them is important to our planet’s well-being. Visit Retzer Nature Center and conduct a tree inventory. We will select a tree, classify it, learn how deals with wildfire and how wildlife uses the tree. Requirements 1-5 will be completed.

Scouts BSA Merit Badges:

Join us for a week of merit badges at Retzer Nature Center and the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium.

  • April 18-22, 2025
  • Registration begins February 1 and ends August 9, 2025.
  • Merit badge workshops are for youth ages 11-17 that are enrolled in Scouts BSA.
  • Please note that some merit badges have prerequisites.
  • All requirements must be completed prior to final card signing at the end of the workshop.
  • Scouts may make an appointment up to 60 days after merit badge workshops to complete their blue card.

Programs Available:

  • Title: Nature Study Merit Badge
  • Title: Astronomy Merit Badge
  • Title: Sustainability Merit Badge
  • Space Exploration Merit Badge
  • Title: Bird Study 

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