Board of Adjustment - A five (5) member citizen board appointed by the County Executive. The Board of Adjustment acts on appeals to decisions made by County staff and considers special exceptions or variances from the terms of county ordinances and codes. The Board of Adjustment typically meets Wednesday evenings twice a month. Agenda information can be obtained by contacting the Department of Parks and Land Use - Planning and Zoning Division at 548-7790.
Board of Supervisors - A thirty-five (35) member board who are elected for two-year terms from thirty-five supervisory districts. The Board acts on local policy issues as well as legislation creating, modifying or rescinding local law. The County Board meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Agenda information can be obtained by contacting the County Board office at 548-7002.
Development Review Team - The Development Review Committee is comprised of staff from the County Departments of Parks and Land Use and Transportation. The Committee provides a pre-application review of proposed residential, commercial and industrial subdivision to enhance the quality of land use decisions. The Committee meets as needed for development reviews. Contact the Department of Parks and Land Use - Planning and Zoning Division at 548-7790 for meeting information.
Land Use, Parks and Environment Committee - This committee consists of seven (7) members of the county board of supervisors. The Land Use, Parks and Environments Committee (L.U.P.E.) is responsible for policy and budget oversight for the County Department of Parks and Land Use, the office of Register of Deeds, the Park and Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustment. In addition, the Committee makes recommendations to the County Board on all matters requiring legislation relating to land use management, parks and environmental protection. Agenda information can be obtained by contacting the County Board office at 548-7002.
Park and Planning Commission - The Commission consists of four (4) citizen members and three (3) County Board Supervisors. The Park and Planning Commission is responsible for making a recommendation to the Land Use, Parks and Environment Committee on all zoning changes and is the approval authority for conditional uses, certain site plans and plans of operation, reviews appeals of the staff of the Planning and Zoning Division on certified survey maps and subdivisions and other zoning related matters. The Park and Planning Commission typically meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Agenda information can be obtained by contacting the Department of Parks and Land Use - Planning and Zoning Division at 548-7790.
Business Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday (excluding holidays)
515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, WI 53188
Room AC 170 - (262) 896-8270 - Land Information System
Room AC 230 - (262) 548-7790 - Park System, Planning and Zoning
Room AC 260 - (262) 896-8300 - Environmental Health, Land Conservation and Recycling
Room AC 320 - (262) 548-7920 - Community Development
If you have questions, please email Department of Parks & Land Use or call the numbers listed above.
- Access to CTH Private
- Access to CTH Public
- Certified Survey Maps
- Conditional Use Permit
- Licensing Establishment
- Nonmetallic Mine Reclamation
- Preliminary Site Eval
- Sanitary Permit Process
- Site Plan and Plan of Operation
- Stormwater & Erosion Control
- Subdivision Approval Authority Final Plat
- Subdivision Approval Authority Preliminary Plat
- Subdivision Objection Authority
- Utilities Within a County Trunk Highway
- Variance or Special Exception
- Zoning Map Amendment
- Zoning Permit - Airport Height
- Zoning Permit - Construction Activities
- Zoning Permit - Floodplain Development
- Zoning Permit - Minor Grading
- Zoning Permit - Vegetation Removal