Zoning Permit - Floodplain Development
WHEN: An applicant is proposing development activities in the floodplain of the Shoreland and Floodland Jurisdictional area either on a property or within the road right-of-way.
WHY: To provide for certain limited uses that are located within the floodplain and are regulated under the Waukesha County Shoreland Protection Ordinance – Appendix B of the Waukesha County Code, copies of which are available online and in the office of the Waukesha County Clerk.
WHO: The staff of the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use – Planning and Zoning Division reviews the Zoning Permit, and if approved, mails the issued permit to the Town Building Inspector. See Staff Who Can Help.
HOW: Applicant must submit a complete application packet and fee.
- Application for Zoning Permit for Floodplain Development in the C-1 District.
- Five (5) copies of an accurate scaled Plat of Survey or site plan showing the floodplain, floodway, wetlands, water features, the floodplain elevation, etc.
- A Grading Plan showing existing and proposed contours, areas of disturbance, cross sections, drainage, vegetative and seeding schedule, construction period, and erosion control methods.
- Written Department of Natural Resources (DNR), ACOE, and FEMA approval, as required.
- The lowest floor elevation of any structures.
- If required, a hydraulic or hydrologic study.
- If required, a plan indicating compensatory storage.
- See Department of Parks and Land Use – Planning and Zoning Division fee schedule.
- An appeal of a decision of the staff of the Planning and Zoning Division must be made to the Waukesha County Board of Adjustment within twenty (20) days of the staff’s decision.
- An applicant can anticipate the zoning permit will take approximately two (2) weeks upon submittal of a complete application packet, fee, and DNR, FEMA, and ACOE approval, if required.
- Written approval by the DNR, ACOE, and FEMA, as required, for the project shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Division prior to the issuance of the Zoning Permit.
- A site inspection and evaluation by the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use – Land Resources Division may be required for questions on erosion control practices and/or impact on surface water drainage. A site drainage plan and Storm Water Permit may also be required. Contact the Planning and Zoning Division and they will contact the Land Resources Division for assistance. See Staff Who Can Help.
- A Minor Grading Zoning Permit or Conditional Use Permit may also be required.
- An inspection of the site may be required.
Business Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday (excluding holidays)
515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, WI 53188
Room AC 170 - (262) 896-8270 - Land Information System
Room AC 230 - (262) 548-7790 - Park System, Planning and Zoning
Room AC 260 - (262) 896-8300 - Environmental Health, Land Conservation and Recycling
Room AC 320 - (262) 548-7920 - Community Development
If you have questions, please email Department of Parks & Land Use or call the numbers listed above.
- Access to CTH Private
- Access to CTH Public
- Certified Survey Maps
- Conditional Use Permit
- Licensing Establishment
- Nonmetallic Mine Reclamation
- Preliminary Site Eval
- Sanitary Permit Process
- Site Plan and Plan of Operation
- Stormwater & Erosion Control
- Subdivision Approval Authority Final Plat
- Subdivision Approval Authority Preliminary Plat
- Subdivision Objection Authority
- Utilities Within a County Trunk Highway
- Variance or Special Exception
- Zoning Map Amendment
- Zoning Permit - Airport Height
- Zoning Permit - Construction Activities
- Zoning Permit - Floodplain Development
- Zoning Permit - Minor Grading
- Zoning Permit - Vegetation Removal