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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Many construction and landscaping related activities require some type of permit from the Planning and Zoning Division if you are within the County's zoning jurisdiction (refer to "jurisdiction FAQ). Please contact the Planner of the Day at 262-896-8300 for more information.

The County's jurisdictional area includes all of the Village of Lac La Belle and all of the Town of Ottawa, as well as the Shoreland and/or Floodland areas (1,000 feet from a lake or pond and/or 300 feet from any other navigable body of water - streams, ditches, etc., or the floodplain whichever is greater) of the Towns of Brookfield, Delafield, Eagle, Genesee, Merton and Mukwonago. The County's zoning jurisdiction does not include cities or villages. You should contact the appropriate municipality for their zoning requirements Municipal Contacts. If you have a question as to whether or not your property is within the County's zoning jurisdiction, please contact the Planner of the Day at or 262-896-8300 with your tax key number and we will assist you.

A Zoning Permit is required for the following types of projects: New residential, commercial, industrial, public, private units; additions to or remodeling (interior/exterior) of existing structures; detached accessory buildings and/or structures of any size including but not limited to sheds, decks, patios, pools, signs, towers; new or replacement retaining walls; entrance gates/monuments; grading/landscaping activities; public or private projects in the floodplain (contact our office); shoreland cutting (refer to "cut/remove trees/vegetation FAQ); and structures/cranes within close proximity to the Waukesha County Airport (Crites Field).

It should be noted this list may not be a complete list. Please contact the Planning and Zoning Division at 262-896-8300 if you have a question as to whether or not your project requires a Zoning Permit.

All requests for a Zoning Permit must consist of the appropriate completed application form (contact the Planner of the Day to determine which Zoning Permit type is appropriate for your project), a plat of survey drawn to scale, and the required fee (Fee Information). After-the-fact requests will be charged double the required permit fee. Additional supporting materials (Grading/Drainage Plan, Cost Estimate - Non-Conforming Use and Structure EAV, Cost Estimate Non Conforming Structural Members, Vegetation Plan, Erosion Control Plan, etc.) may be required for certain projects. New residences also require the submittal of the Sanitary Permit Number (Septic Systems), Soil Borings, and a set of Building Plans. All projects (except new construction) must also receive Preliminary Site Evaluation (PSE) approval from the Environmental Health Division (EHD) of the Department of Parks and Land Use, which may be up to a two-week process (Permit Guide), unless the site is served with municipal sewer. Applications (Zoning Permit) shall be completed in their entirety. Completed applications and materials shall be submitted electronically to the Planning and Zoning Division. If the zoning permit is approved, it is emailed to the Town Building Inspector upon receipt of the PSE approval from the EHD. If the site is served with municipal sewer, the zoning permit will be emailed to the Building Inspector within a few days. For most projects, the Building Inspector will require a Building Permit, and you should always check with your local municipality regarding the need for permits, in addition to contacting the County. If you are conducting grading activities, you may also need to secure an Erosion Control Permit from the Town Building Inspector and/or a Storm Water Permit from the Land Resources Division of the Department of Parks and Land Use. You have six (6) months to begin your project and 18 months to complete your project unless otherwise noted. If your permit is denied, you may appeal the denial through the Board of Adjustment procedure (Variance or Special Exception). Excessive grading requests may require a Conditional Use Permit (Conditional Use Permit) and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) review. The DNR approves all Shoreland Stabilization Structures (rip rap seawall) requests, however, the County no longer issues a permit for rip rap structures.

Forms and plans should be submitted electronically to  For general information, please email the Planner of the Day or call 262-896-8300 

The Planning and Zoning Division reception desk is located in Room AC 260 of the Waukesha County Administration Center. The Administration Center is adjacent to the east side of the Waukesha County Courthouse on the southwest corner of Pewaukee Road (CTH J) and Moreland Blvd. The address of the Administration Center is 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, WI. 53188 (Directions).

If your property is within the County's zoning jurisdiction (see "jurisdiction" FAQ), it has been assigned to a particular zoning district. Each district outlines the zoning requirements (ex. permitted uses, building setbacks) that must be followed for properties in that particular district. The zoning requirements vary from district to district. Please contact the Planner of the Day at 262-896-8300. You will need to have your tax key number available to give to the Planner of the Day.

It should be noted that the zoning district a property is located in differs from the land use category the property is designated as on the Waukesha County Land Development Plan Map - additionally, in Shoreland and Floodland areas (see "jurisdiction" FAQ), you should also check with your Town to determine if their zoning ordinance is more restrictive. 

Your tax key number can be found in the upper right corner of your property tax bill. You can also contact your Town Clerk or the Waukesha County Register of Deeds Office to obtain your tax key number.

The legal description can be found on a copy of the plat of survey for the property, or a less descriptive legal description can be found on a copy of your property tax bill.

Yes. The County does have regulations regarding what trees/vegetation can be cut or removed and how many trees can be cut or how much vegetation can be removed in the Shoreland and Floodland jurisdictional areas (1,000 feet from a lake or pond, and/or 300 feet from any other navigable body of water or its flood plain, whichever is greater), within Primary Environmental Corridors, on lands with preservation restrictions imposed by a land division action, and on properties zoned EC Environmental Corridor District. Please contact our office for a determination as to whether or not any of the above regulations apply to your property prior to removing any trees/vegetation on your property Shoreland Cutting Zoning Permit.

No. The County's Zoning Ordinances strictly prohibits this type of storage outdoors on properties within the County's zoning jurisdiction (see "jurisdiction" FAQ). The property shall be maintained, landscaped and kept clean and free from the accumulation of debris or refuse and shall not be used for the storage or display of equipment, products, vehicles, or any other material defined as junk in the Ordinance. Items of this nature shall be stored within a completely enclosed structure (building).

No. However, home occupations are specifically defined and there are regulations governing home occupations in the County Zoning Ordinances. Please contact our office for an explanation of these regulations prior to commencing a home occupation on your property. Limited family businesses are also specifically defined in the Ordinance and are different from home occupations and require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit from the Town and the County.

In general, more than one living unit on a property is not permitted. The zoning ordinances provide for this type of use only under limited circumstances based on the zoning district the property is located in. Please contact our office for an explanation of these specific regulations.

An in-law unit is specifically defined in the Zoning Ordinance and would have to be approved as a conditional use (Conditional Use Permit). Please contact our office for an explanation of these regulations and procedures.

Guesthouses are specifically defined in the Zoning Ordinance and are permitted subject to the regulations as outlined in the zoning ordinance. Please contact our office for an explanation of these regulations.

In general, no. Please contact our office for an explanation of these regulations

You can determine if your property is in the 100-year floodplain through the Land Information System Division by using the GIS/MS. You can also contact our office by e-mail or by phone at 262-896-8300 and ask to speak with the Planner of the Day who will assist you in determining if your property is in the 100-year floodplain. You may also contact FEMA.

No, the County does not issue permits for private piers. The County's Zoning jurisdiction is landward of the shore. Anything water-ward of the shore is under the jurisdiction of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. However, both governing bodies regulate commercial piers.

In general, you are allowed two (2) accessory buildings on a lot, and together they cannot exceed 2% of your lot size. Please contact our office for an explanation of these regulations.

Event Barns

WHEN: Any person wishing to develop and operate an event barn leasable for special events.

Individuals interested in developing an event barn are encouraged to consider the following factors when preparing their business plans. Many of these factors will be considered during the permitting processes. We invite you to contact the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use – Planning and Zoning Division prior to initiating any permit applications. We will convene a review team of appropriate agencies to help you expedite your business planning process. 

Restaurant and Sanitation: (262) 896-8300

1.      Will food be prepared on site?

Yes, a restaurant license will need to be acquired from the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use – Environmental Health Division and all provisions of Wisconsin Administrative Code ATCP 75 will need to be met. 

No, we will be using caterers. Please remember a handwash sink shall be provided, preferably hard-plumbed if practical and not cost prohibitive. If not practical to be hard-plumbed, then a portable handwash sink with booster heater to provide hot water can be used.

2.      Are there or will there be plumbing fixtures installed in the event space that will create wastewater? 

If yes, an assessment is performed by the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use – Environmental Health Division to determine if using the existing sanitary system (likely for the residence) is an option, based upon proximity, what and how many fixtures will be installed and whether the sanitary system can handle the additional load and flow.

If yes, but there is no existing sanitary system in place or the existing sanitary system is determined to be insufficient for what is planned, a sanitary permit will be required for a new septic system.

3.      Will there be any building additions made to the event space or new buildings erected?

If yes, a Preliminary Site Evaluation will be completed by the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use – Environmental Health Division to determine if the improvement will affect an existing or proposed sanitary system.

4.      Will alcohol be served?

Zoning and Buildings: 262-896-8300

Zoning and building permit considerations will vary depending on the business plan for the event barn. To help us prepare for appropriate permit reviews, we recommend you anticipate the following questions. We want to assist you in making sure your facility is successful, while not creating issues for neighbors or the community.

• Have you been in contact with the Town Planner in regard to consideration by the Town Plan Commission and Town requirements? 
• Have you been in contact with the Town Building Inspector in regard to Building Code requirements?
• Are you proposing any structural changes to an existing building?
• Are you anticipating construction of a new building, decks, gazebos or other structures?
• What other uses besides the special events (weddings, parties, etc.) are you proposing, such as tours, conferences, meetings, fundraisers, etc.?
• What are your proposed days and hours of operation? 
• How many proposed events per season, six months (May – Oct)?
• What is the proposed maximum number of attendants? 
• Are you proposing signage? 
• Are you proposing exterior lighting?
• Is the music live or recorded? Is it amplified?
• How will waste be disposed of/recycled?
• Will there be any outside storage?
• Have you been in contact with the local fire department in regard to the capacity of the building(s), fire codes, and access?

Transportation, Parking and Access: (262) 548-7740

Event barns can generate a significant number of vehicles entering or leaving. We want to make sure your guests are safe entering and leaving as well accommodating normal traffic. To help us prepare for 
appropriate permit reviews, we recommend you anticipate the following questions. 

• Does the property abut a public road or is it served by an easement?
• Will the event barn be providing parking on site, off site, or using a shuttle?
• How much traffic will be anticipated?
• What size parking lot are you proposing?
• What road/driveway improvements are you proposing to make?

TIME: We invite you to contact the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use – Planning and Zoning Division prior to initiating any permit applications. We will convene a review team of appropriate agencies to help you expedite your business planning process.  Please anticipate the review timeline for your event barn to take approximately 3 months.

Mailing Address:  515 W. Moreland Blvd. Room AC 230, Waukesha, WI 53188
Reception Desk:  Room AC260
Phone: (262) 896-8300 
For general information, please contact the Planner of the Day

Office Location Map

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