- Develop and modify the local strategic workforce development plan in partnership with local elected officials
- Designate a fiscal and administrative agent
- Designate one-stop center operators
- Identify and select eligible providers of training services and youth activities through contract awards
- Develop and approve budgets necessary to carry out local duties; solicit and accept grants and donations from sources other than federal funds
- Oversee and certify programs and services in the areas one-stop system
- Coordinate local workforce investment activities with economic development strategies
- Promote the participation of private sector employers in the statewide workforce investment system
The WOW Workforce Development Board is made up of 22 volunteer members, who are appointed by the County Executive and/or County Chairperson. The Board is employer led and is comprised of members from local businesses, educational institutions, workforce and labor, community-based organizations, economic development, and one-stop center partners. Board members develop important workforce policies and explore innovative best practices to advance the quality and effectiveness of residents and businesses of Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties, Wisconsin.
- Angela Stemo, HUSCO International
- Amy May, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Alfredo Luna, Milwaukee Area Technical College
- Bonnie Baerwald, President, Moraine Park Technical College
- Dawn Schicker, Clear Employer Services
- Landon Boettcher, Azura Memory Care
- John Heyer, Kettle Moraine Coatings
- Kate Weiland-Moores, Concurrency
- Kathleen Schilling, Ozaukee Economic Development
- Katie Pantzlaff, Advocate Aurora Health
- Kilah Engelke, AFL-CIO
- Laneice Runnels, Job Service
- Lisa Geason-Bauer, Evolution Marketing, LLC
- Matt Kirchner, LAB Midwest
- Mike Hoffman, The Threshold, Inc.
- Nate Butt, Quad Graphics
- Rebecca Klebsh, AFL-CIO Community Service Liaison, United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
- Cameron Jarr, State of Wisconsin
- Sheree Larson, Fox Brothers Piggly Wiggly
- Tom Hostad, Hartford Area Development Corporation
- Valerie Hoff, Commute with Enterprise
Waukesha-Ozaukee-Washington Workforce Development Board is an Equal Opportunity Program Provider. If you have a disability and need information in an alternative format, including language assistance or translation, and/or need assistance with this information, please contact us at (262)695-7800 or call through Wisconsin Relay Service 711.