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Highways that bear a letter ex: Highway C |
Waukesha County DPW | Waukesha County DPW | Waukesha County DPW |
Highways that bear a number ex: Highway 83 |
Wisconsin DOT | Waukesha County DPW | |
Roadways that bear only a common name Ex: Main Street |
Local Municipality |
Public Works
Welcome to Waukesha County Department of Public Works, where you can find information on maintenance, improvement, and construction of Waukesha County highways, buildings, and airport.
We are committed to providing the foundations of success for residents and businesses of Waukesha County via quality transportation and building infrastructure.
Administration Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday (excluding holidays)
515 W Moreland Blvd AC220 • Waukesha WI 53188
Waukesha County's formal Public Works bids solicitations are found exclusively via a tool called Onvia DemandStar. Vendors are required to register to access free procurement documents and related information.
register for Waukesha County DemandStar
• Onvia Supplier Services at 1-800-575-1736 (indicate you are registering through WAPP)
• Waukesha County Division of Purchasing at 262-548-7888 |
The County regularly issues Bids and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) when in need of goods or services. Our online website is used to solicit bids and proposals. While vendors can download the documents and submit hard copy bids/proposals as outlined below, we encourage our vendor community to register on our website and submit bids/proposals electronically. To view the most up to date Bid/RFP Listing, please follow the link below:
ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION of bids/proposals can be made through our online purchasing website at no cost to vendors. To receive email notifications of solicitations related to your service offerings and/or be able to respond to Bids/RFPs electronically, you must register on our website as further explained under Vendor Registration. Be sure to allow sufficient time to register, become familiar with the system, and ensure compatibility with your system so you are able to respond by the Bid/RFP due date/time.
HARD COPY SUBMISSION of bids/proposals can be made after downloading the Bid/RFP documents online. To submit a hard copy response you must print, complete, and either mail or hand deliver as follows:
All bid/proposals must be received and date stamped prior to the due date and time. To hand deliver in person you must enter at the Courthouse Building, Door #2 main entrance, located at 515 W. Moreland Blvd and proceed to the Administration Center through the connecting hallway. All bids/proposals must be date stamped by the receptionist in Room 320. Be sure to allow sufficient time to gain entry into the building taking into consideration the Controlled Access policy the County has in place for all building visitors which includes a screening for weapons and other prohibited contraband.
Purchasing Website resources are available at no cost to vendors. All pending solicitations are listed on our website as well as results and a limited archive base. If you download a Bid/RFP, be sure to download all attachments and current amendments. It is the responsibility of each respondent to acquire, include and respond to all amendments. Amendments may be issued at any time subsequent to the publishing of a Bid/RFP. Therefore, vendors must check the website for the most current information up until the time of Bid/RFP closing.
Waukesha County Purchasing Division
Administration Center, Room 310
515 W. Moreland Blvd.
Waukesha, WI 53188
Waukesha County
Administration Center, Room 320
515 W. Moreland Blvd.
Waukesha, WI 53188
Each Bid/RFP contains the specification, procurement requirements, and terms and conditions governing the contract to be awarded. Vendors should carefully read the entire Bid/RFP documents and review their response prior to submission to ensure it meets the requirements of the Bid/RFP. Awarded vendors will be held responsible for understanding the contents of the Bid/RFP and performing accordingly. By submitting a response, the vendor acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Bid/RFP and associated contract.
All Bids/RFPs identify a specific closing date and time. Vendors may review and change their bids/proposals up until the closing date/time. Thereafter, the system will not allow any other activity to occur in response to the Bid/RFP, whether it be to complete a response that is in process or to begin a response. It is the vendor’s responsibility to assure that all responses are finalized and submitted in their entirety prior to the closing date and time.
Vendor responses are maintained in a secure, electronic file. To maintain the integrity of the sealed bid process, prior to the Bid/RFP closing, only the responding vendor can see their draft or final response. Purchasing staff are only able to tell that a vendor has entered the system and has a draft or final response in the system. Purchasing staff cannot actually view the draft or final response. It is only after the Bid/RFP closing time that Purchasing staff can view final responses. No other vendors are able to view other Bids/RFPs until the procurement process is complete, award made, and contract finalized. Bid tabulations are typically available within 10 days after opening date. RFP tabulations are typically available 60-90 days after opening date.
QUESTIONS related to the website or how to utilize it should be directed to the Purchasing Division at 262-548-7888 or by email at Questions related to an actual Bid/RFP should be directed to the Buyer as indicated in the Bid/RFP documents.
The Purchasing Division manages County surplus property. Anyone may bid on County items by registering with our online auction site and viewing items up for auction below:
If you are a vendor who would like to be placed on our email notification list and/or want to respond to a bid or request for proposal (RFP) online, you must register electronically with the County through the online Vendor Registration process.
When the County is in the market for specific goods or services, an email notification will be sent to all vendors that successfully registered on our website and selected that specific good(s) or service(s) from our Commodity List as one(s) which the vendor can provide to the County. In addition to receiving such email notifications, registered vendors will have the ability to submit their bid/RFP responses electronically. All vendors, whether or not registered, have the ability to download our bid/RFP documents and respond hard copy.
Once registered, vendors must keep their profiles up to date to assure receipt of applicable bid/RFP notices from the County. Vendors who do not log in for a period of five (5) years will be deleted from the system.
Vendor representatives may receive email notifications and the ability to respond to bids/RFPs electronically once the following requirements are satisfied:
1. Vendor Representative Registration: If you have not previously registered and don’t have an Account Name, click on the “Vendor Registration/Login” link below, then click on “Register Account”. Follow all instructions, provide optional information, and confirm your email address. When complete, you will be logged-in. Registration is a one-time effort.
2. Company Profile: After completing your individual account registration, you will be asked to link to an existing Company Profile if already created by an associate of your Company. Link to it by providing the company FEIN where requested. If a Company Profile does not already exist for your firm, please follow the instructions to create one. Once a Company Profile has been created, it may be updated at any time.
3. Logging In: To log in to the website, click on the “Vendor Registration/Login” button below and provide your Account Name and Password. Your Account Name is the email address you provided when you completed your individual account registration. While registration is a one-time effort, logging-in is necessary each time you visit the website to use the special functions.
By clicking the “Vendor Registration/Login” button below, you are agreeing to all Terms and Conditions related to the use of the website. Unauthorized attempts to modify any information stored on the system, to defeat or circumvent security features, or to utilize this system for other than its intended purposes are prohibited. If you need assistance, email or call us at (262)548-7888.
View future projects in the 2025-29 Capital Plan
Before a major project reaches the design phase (and then the construction phases), it begins its journey in the Waukesha County Capital Plan.
A prioritization of long-range capital infrastructure needs linked to Waukesha County's strategic plan, the Capital Plan is adopted by Waukesha County Board after review and modification.
Look ahead at Public Works projects proposed for the next five years.