Electroning Recording (eRecording) Information
Email: recording@waukeshacounty.gov
Phone: 262-548-7585
Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday (excluding holidays)
The Register of Deeds office cannot provide legal advice. If you need assistance drafting or interpreting legal documents, you can contact a real estate attorney, title company, or the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Lawyer Referral Service (https://www.wisbar.org/forPublic/INeedaLawyer/Pages/i-need-a-lawyer.aspx or call 1-800-362-9082).
For information on electronically recording documents, contact one of the following eRecording vendors:
Simplifile: https://www.simplifile.com
CSC eRecording: https://www.cscglobal.com
eRecording Partners Network: https://www.goepn.com
Indecomm Global Services: https://www.indecomm.com
Hopdox: https://www.hopdox.com
eRecorded documents become legal documents once recorded. A multitude of different entities and individuals purchase, reproduce, and re-image recorded documents many times over, making the quality of craftsmanship when scanning imperative.
• Electronic images are required to be submitted in standardized format and typeface.
• Scanned documents and exhibits must be machine readable, clear of any and all artifacts or lines.
•The scanned image must accurately represent the original documents, a mirror image.
• Acceptable page size letter is 8.5"X11" or Legal 8.5"X14". Contact the Register of Deeds Office for Plat Sizes, as they may vary.
• Minimum scanning resolution settings is 300dpi (dots per inch). Standard copiers copy at 600dpi, preferable.
• Output type/scanner setting is strictly black and white text - Do not use Grayscale or Color!
• The font should be a minimum of 10 point or above to be readable.
• Only electronic .tiff images are accepted.
• The number of documents in a single package or batch should be no more than 10 documents.
• Documents must meet the Wisconsin's statutory requirement set in §59.43(2m) and §706.25.
• Documents must preserve the order of recording as required by Wisconsin State Statute §59.43(1)(e).
•The return address should be the name of the company submitting the document.
Attention: Documents containing more than 200 pages must be e-recorded. Please contact an attorney or title company about e-recording.