Warrants: Logs, processes, and files warrants; utilizes Transaction of Information for Management of Enforcement (TIME) System to communicate and maintain warrants; tracks missing persons; enters stolen property and vehicles
Civil Process: This position is responsible for receiving and processing civil process papers such as temporary restraining orders, protection orders, injunction orders, writs/eviction notices and other small claims and civil/family court proceedings.
Citations: Reviews and disseminates alcohol, drug, and criminal citations to the District Attorney’s Office, Circuit Court, and Department of Transportation; ensures case file completeness; liaison to Circuit Court and DA’s Office; trains on citation procedures; manages interlock ignition device paperwork; provides updates on new traffic laws.
Identification Processing: Fingerprinting; photographing; conducts record checks for arrests, court appearances, licenses, immigration, weapons permits, new hires, and sex offender registration; responds to inquiries from staff, law enforcement, and the public regarding identification records.
Public Records: Responds to record request inquiries; resolves complaints; coordinates service requests; acts as functional expert in the processing of numerous types of highly complex documents requiring specialized knowledge of statutory and other legal requirements.
Transports: Schedules prisoner transports; processes bail payments; answers and routes phone calls.
Shuttler: Moves vehicles and trailers, boats, snowmobiles, ATVs and speed trailers to various locations for maintenance, repairs and cleaning; picks up and delivers supplies; transports equipment for repair; prepares squads during bad weather; loads/unloads firearms as needed.