Huber Facility Child Family Release
Child/Family Care Release
You may request release for child or family care purposes by submitting the appropriate form and information. Childcare requires the other parent or caregiver's work schedule (from the employer), birth certificates, and school schedules for all children included in the request. Childcare is not granted as a means to maintain direct contact with family members and/or conduct off-site visitation. Release for family/elder care requires physician proof detailing the type and frequency of care required by the family member. You must remain at the approved location during child/family care release.
The request form must be completed in full, and must include all required paperwork at the time of submission. The childcare and family/eldercare site must have a working land line telephone. Inmates are required to provide a copy of the phone bill showing the telephone land line and address of the location where childcare will be provided. Cellular phones are not allowed as the only telephone at the site. You must be reachable by telephone at the approved site at all times during scheduled childcare/family/eldercare hours. Based on the reasonableness of the request and the documentation provided, the request will be granted or denied at the discretion of correctional or counseling staff. Release time will not exceed 12 hours in a single day or more than six days in a row for any reason or combination of reasons (work and childcare).