Waukesha County

Give Us Your Feedback

Our customer service score is based off of  feedback from the Waukesha County Customer Service Survey. Take it here.

How Did We Serve You?

The dashboard below reflects the average rating by residents and customers who have taken Waukesha County's Customer Service Survey. The data is refreshed every month so we can always show that the way we serve you matters. Our goal is an average score of 4.65. 

Waukesha County is so dedicated to delivering the highest level of customer service at all times that it makes up one of the 5 Pillars that are the structure of our business philosophy. 


The Five Pillars

The foundation of Waukesha County’s cultural philosophy, and the way we serve the public, is built upon our Five Pillars: Customer Service; Quality; Team; Health & Safety; and Finance. Each pillar helps define our values and drive a culture of continuous improvement in Waukesha County.

Strategic Planning

Waukesha County’s commitment to customer service and the Five Pillars fit into its long term Strategic Plan. Strategic planning provides a proactive road map for an organization – based upon goals, principles and values. It is not an operational plan or specific business plan, it involves where we want to go as a County, not necessarily how we are going to get there. Strategic Plans identify key issues facing the County through data collection and stakeholder involvement.

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