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Landlord/Tenant Relations

For all matters please review the Eviction Exhibit Process. Any proposed exhibit not clearly marked and filed at least two (2) business days in advance of the hearing date will not be considered by the Court absent a showing of good cause.

An eviction is a case to remove tenants from rental property and claim the money owed in rent and damages, regardless of the amount claimed. Evictions are handled as Small Claims matters in the Civil Court and are filed in the Civil Division of the Waukesha County Courthouse. Additional information about this subject and landlord/tenant relations can be found in the Legal Research section of this site under the Landlord/Tenant heading.

A fee will be charged for all Eviction packets provided in the Clerk's Office.  The Eviction Forms Packet is also available free for download.



  • Prior to obtaining a judgment of eviction, the Court will require that you file either the Affidavit of Service of Notice Terminating Tenancy, a substantially similar affidavit or a certified mail receipt.
  • Prior to obtaining a judgment for money related to damages in an eviction, the Court will require that you file either the Affidavit of Damages, or a substantially similar affidavit.
  • Please review the Eviction Checklist, which serves as a general reference.  The Eviction Checklist does not constitute legal advice.  If you require legal advice, you should seek legal counsel.

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