8-16-2024 Waukesha County Breastfeeding Event
About Waukesha County Public Health
What is Public Health?
Public Health is "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private communities, and individuals." - CEA Winslow
In practice, the definition of Public Health is flexible, adaptable, and can include many things. All roads lead back to health and so all programs in the Department of Health and Human Services and in the County have a role in protecting and improving the public's health. Waukesha County Public Health uses the foundational services as a framework.
Waukesha County Public Health News Release Communications
8-16-2024 - Waukesha County Breastfeeding Event
5-10-2024 - FINAL Jump for Archie Event
3-14-2024 - WCPH Launches CHIP Action Plans
3-13-2024 - WCPH Calls for United Action to Address Community Health Priorities
3-7-2024 - WCPH Awarded the HBI Grant
1-19-2024 - Waukesha County Public Health Becomes a Level III Health Department
Public Health Communication Documents & Publications
2024 Fentanyl Crisis Video Series
2023 Fentanyl Crisis Annual Report
Annual Reports - Waukesha County Public Health
The County Health Rankings are compiled by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Each state is provided a standardized report that ranks each of its counties on health outcomes and health factors. Each county can drill down to see specific data and state benchmarks.
Waukesha County Health Outcomes
Health Outcomes tell us how long people live on average within a community, and how much physical and mental health people experience in a community while they are alive.
Waukesha County is faring better than the average county in Wisconsin for Health Outcomes, and better than the average county in the nation.
Waukesha County Health Factors
Many things influence how well and how long we live. Health Factors represent those things we can improve to live longer and healthier lives. They are indicators of the future health of our communities.
Waukesha County is faring better than the average county in Wisconsin for Health Factors, and better than the average county in the nation.
To see Waukesha County data please visit:
The Community Health Assessment (CHA) is a vital tool that Waukesha County utilizes to gain a comprehensive understanding of the health and well-being of our community. By gathering and analyzing relevant data, the CHA paints a vivid picture of the health needs, challenges, and strengths in Waukesha County.
The Community Health Assessment (CHA) marks the start of a five-year community health improvement cycle that includes the creation of the Community Health Assessment and the creation and implementation of the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Since 1993, Wisconsin statutes have required local health departments throughout Wisconsin to regularly assess community health and implement local health plans to address health
conditions impacting their residents.
Leading these efforts is the Waukesha County CHIP Steering Committee. The Committee is a group of diverse and multidisciplinary leaders selected by the Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services and the Division of Public Health to work collaboratively in identifying actionable priorities, minimizing disparities in health, and adapting to new and emerging health concerns. By leveraging the strengths of our community and working together towards a shared vision, we can create a healthier, more equitable, and vibrant place to live, work, and play.